Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - Moved, seconded and approved.
Police Report: A visiting officer led a discussion on the recent tire slashing in NE PDX. The officer urged people to report any damages and mentioned that these reports can be filed online. Reporting these crimes will keep PDX police focused on our neighborhood.
Off-leash Area Report: Allie Ryan of Portland Parks and Recreation’s Dog Off-leash program reported on outreach efforts to encourage dog owners to use off-leash areas. The group is conducting a joint education campaign with Portland Public Schools to scoop poop on playgrounds. Allie reported that ticketing begins soon in Irving Park for dog-owners who are not in the off-leash area.
NECN Report: Peter O’Neil reported on the Neck’s Turning Brown into Green program and a Skills for Effective Communication and Collaboration forum. The NECN is also asking neighborhood organizations to report on their ideas for transportation priorities.
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