Minutes for September 12th

Barb Christopher, Zivit Atkins, Jim Barta, Emily Weltman, Jason Messer, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Jeff Jones, Tom Mertes, Nikki Johnston, Michela McMahon, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Peter O’Neil, Nathan Christensen, William Archer, Chris Poole-Jones, Chris Mooers

Approved prior minutes, after adding charitable givings and updating Barbara Christopher's name for website

Recap of police issues

currently no officer visiting
Issues of tires slashed, keyed cars and theft
Police not returning non emergency calls
Need an officer at mtgs

some construction happening with shuttle service Sept 21-23rd
Launched their mobile app for ticketing
Bands on St cars oct 12th-entire CL line 6-10pmFare-discussion on hike/change. 3 possibilities proposed. Concerns raised about ridership/ people riding without paying.

Sept 19thPCt 3rd Domestic Violence /gender discussion class
changing the way they give out communication funds
changes to who can vote on ussues, for liability-only board members, not members of general community
Irvington Elementary Alumni -exhibit in gym

Presentation on proposed to change sin lobby/entryway

issues of safety in entry and on property
request for more data/numbers and dates of problems
concerns about 1st responders getting in/kids getting out
principal; spoke about the low security score (all of PPS was studied_; homeless on property; dogs on property, no line of site to office or front door
suggestion to involve first responders in plan before any further plans discussed.
Asked principal to move ICA meetings back to library.

Website/Newsletter issues

Advertyising issues -Eric to chase down for billing of last year
Need an editor, a layout person, content, and advertising manger (and billing)
Pamplin Communications to print
Articles from various baord members due asap
Barbara Christopher to "shepherd this issue only"
Motion to hire outside someone to design if needed, and cap to be set by committee at their discretion

Still outstanding
find out where contractor is at
present options at next month's meeting

ICA vs. Alameda, overlap issues

not a legal issue
only a PR issues
need better promo; getting website current is key
many suggestions on how to respond, but still deciding how to proceed


need to send a letter to all Oregon representatives
Motion passed for Steve Cole, ICA president to write a letter reiterating why we oppose CRC.

Parks update

life of Pi- big success, good weather and vendors
August not as good. Weather and smaller turn out
Advantis to sponsor next year if on a Friday

Benson Bubbler

not getting a response from water dept.
issues with contacting Benson family

Land Use

continued issues with Madeline Church-still have not removed lights
3120 NE 22nd-contributing structure/ house saved
issues with windows-sending contractors list window info safety directly. adding booklet to website asap
Lee Perlman Memorial at Lorenzen Center in Legacy Emanuel-Sunday at 4pm. Motion passed to donate $100 to Sisters of the Road in his name.

STAR paper needs neighborhood news.

Need to figure out what to do about Summer care of Irvington School grounds.

Discussion of Green St. Crossing at 9th and Fremont, underway after several years.

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