Minutes for October 10th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Prior Minutes - Moved, seconded and approved.

Police Report: A visiting officer led a discussion on the recent tire slashing in NE PDX. The officer urged people to report any damages and mentioned that these reports can be filed online. Reporting these crimes will keep PDX police focused on our neighborhood.

Off-leash Area Report: Allie Ryan of Portland Parks and Recreation’s Dog Off-leash program reported on outreach efforts to encourage dog owners to use off-leash areas. The group is conducting a joint education campaign with Portland Public Schools to scoop poop on playgrounds. Allie reported that ticketing begins soon in Irving Park for dog-owners who are not in the off-leash area.

NECN Report: Peter O’Neil reported on the Neck’s Turning Brown into Green program and a Skills for Effective Communication and Collaboration forum. The NECN is also asking neighborhood organizations to report on their ideas for transportation priorities.

Irvington School Security Measures: A discussion was had about a possible fence being erected around Irvington School in light of potential safety concerns. A movement was made for the ICA to write a letter stating our concerns about the fence. The letter will be reviewed at the November meeting.

Newsletter / Website: Brian Schaeperkoetter reported that the fall newsletter was headed to print. Barb Christopher will research adding newsletter delivery to areas that are not reached by our current postal routes. A discussion was had about the opportunity to partner with Grant High School magazine students on future newsletters, and the possibility of the ICA to provide the school with a grant to support their efforts. A reminder was also issued that board members need to step up with and help with newsletter content; and also to brainstorm ways to spotlight local businesses. A motion was made, seconded and passed to create a communications committee to oversee newsletter and website. A discussion was also had about integrating ICA and home tour ad sales. Jeff Jones will contact Kim Bissell regarding co-advertising sponsorships. It was agreed that November 12 would be the date for content to be ready for the December issue.

A motion was also made, seconded and passed for a 10 percent increase in ad rates. The increase, which includes mute-year discounts, will start with the ICA’s fiscal year.

Alameda Overlap: Representatives from the Alameda Neighborhood Association met with Kirk Ranzetta to discuss the potential for removal of structures in the Irvington-Alameda area from the Historic District. The process that Alameda would have to go through would be the same that the ICA went through to create the historic district. The president of the Alameda association has not returned Steve Cole’s invitation to discuss.

Parks Report: Jeff Jones shared a proposal for the ICA supporting a pathway around Irving Park with an estimated cost of a bit less than $100,000. Jeff is meeting with a local landscape architect and City of PDX park representatives before a capital improvement application is submitted.

Land Use: Barb Christopher reported on a code compliance appeal for a home on NE Klickitat St. She reported that a house was saved from demolition on NE 22nd and Siskiyou, which had been miscoded in the historic district database. She also reported that good progress has been made on Type 1 remodels.

Recognizing Past ICA Members: William Archer discussed recognition efforts for past ICA members. Pam Levy, William and Jason Messer will a chair committee to determine options.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.