Minutes for November 14th

Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter

Directors in attendance: Jason Messer, Michaela McMahon, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Dean Gisvold, Chris Poole-Jones, Jim Barta, Barb Christopher, Emily Weltman, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Christine Coers- Mitchell, Peter O’Neil

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved.

Police Report
A visiting officer led a discussion of recent crime in the area. He and Steve Cole recently attended a Sullivan’s Gulch meeting to discuss crime in the area. The officer reported that detectives are currently working on the tire slashings and vehicle vandalism in the area.

Goal is to go live in December. Barb and Brian are wrangling content with the help of committee chairs.

Budget Report
Jeff Jones, who was not at the meeting, has submitted a proposal to create an assistant treasurer position (Stephen Doubleday) to work together with the ICA and the Irvington Home Tour. He is also proposing we issue a debit card. There was a discussion that this is a concern with the way our bylaws are written. The suggestion was made to to table the discussion until the December meeting when Jeff can be in attendance. A motion was made to set up a dedicated PO box for the IHT. The motion was moved, seconded and approved.

ICA Representative on Charitable giving Committee
The Irvington Home Tour committee has requested that one of their members join the ICA’s Charitable Giving Committee. Steve Cole will talk with Kim Bissell to see what the possible concerns and benefits would be.

Parks Report
Jason Messer reported on National Night Out Picnic, which will be held on August 5. A tree climb event is tentatively scheduled for September 27 and the neighborhood clean up day will be May 10.

Peter O’Neil reported that the December newsletter is in progress and Emily Weltman will be doing the layout. All copy is due this weekend in order to publish the newsletter in early December.

Irvington School Fence Letter
Steve Cole shared a draft of a letter addressed to the principal of Irvington School, regarding the proposed fence around the school. A motion was made to approve the letter and it was seconded and approved. The letter will be sent to the principal and copied to Carole Smith and the facilities director for PPS.

Recognizing Past ICA Members
William Archer discussed recognition efforts for past ICA members, including recognizing past members in Irving Park with nameplates, benches, etc.

Historic Preservation
Barb Christopher reported that the Type 1 coalition is meeting again. Top of agenda is to make sure ground is not lost and the creation of “cliff notes” – single topics that would be helpful documents for homeowners to do projects (gutters, siding, etc.) The coalition will draft these and send to the city for approval.

Land Use
Dean Gisvold reported that no major land use issues are currently underway, although Type 1 renovations seem to be popular. Christine Coers-Mitchell led a discussion about the “convenience shack” (Purple Mini Mart) at 801 NE Broadway. The business is requesting a liquor license (9 a.m. to 9 p.m. closed Sunday). Christine has prepared a board resolution opposing the liquor license. Dean added an amendment to her letter stating that the garage has been remodeled without historic design review and the ICA asks the OLCC to deny the license. A motion was made to adopt the resolution as amended, and was seconded and passed. Steve Cole delegated Dean to send to the city and to the OLCC.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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