Minutes for December 12th
Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones
Directors in attendance: William Archer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Chrisine Coers-Mitchell, Barb Christopher, Tom Mertes, Jim Barta, Nathan Christensen
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - Moved, seconded, approved.
Katy Asher reported on neighborhood board member training which will be held in January. She also discussed a proposed Trader Joes on MLK.
Budget Report
Jeff Jones presented the most current balance sheet for the ICA. Jeff reported that more than half of the revenue for last year's newsletter has been collected and efforts continue to recoup the additional funds.
Proposed Update for Treasurer Position
Jeff Jones presented a proposal for creating an assistant treasurer position to interface with both the ICA and IHT. He also made a proposal to change banks to an institution that has mobile and online banking. Our current bank, Albina Bank, does not have this capability. Jeff is recommending we use Unitus Credit Union. Dean ask Katy Asher from the NECN about best practices and she recommended several books on financial controls that she would share with Jeff. Stephen Doubleday was recommended for the position and Barb Christopher raised the point that our bylaws state that an assistant treasurer might have to be a board member of the ICA. Discussion centered around checks and balances surrounding an assistant treasurer and the fact that we might need to revise the bylaws to reflect the fact that someone who is delegated by a board member should be a board member. A motion was made to move the ICA's account to Unitus Credit Union. It was seconded and passed. Next step: ICA bylaws need to be examined and rewritten to reflect the financial issues that were discussed at the meeting regarding the creation of an assistant treasurer position. A notice of this will be posted on the ICA's website and emailed to the board and posted on the NECN's website.
Early submission for the spring newsletter are requested. Please send articles to Peter O'Neil. Extra copies of the fall newsletters need to be delivered to local businesses. Nathan Christensen has volunteered to take the position of newsletter ad manager.
Recognizing Former Board Members
William Archer presented drafts of letters that would be sent to Mary and Smith Piper and Herbert Amerson. He also discussed the placement of plaques in the park in honor of their service or a donation to one of the schools in their name. Barb Christopher discussed the option of attaching the Piper name to the ICA's Century home signs. Ideas will be further discussed at the January meeting.
Website Update
Brian Schaperkoetter reported that the site development is in progress. He noted that lot of the content has disappeared from the existing site and needs to be recovered to migrate to the new site. Barb will contact Lisa Goldman to see where the content went. (We can also try checking archive.org).
Land Use
Dean Gisvold reported on the Purple Mini Mart. A resolution was sent to the city and they made a neutral recommendation. he also talked to an OLCC inspector who is recommending approval of the liquor license. Waiting for final decision. (Sidenote: the property owner is subleasing the garage and lessees have made alterations to it and it did not go through design review.)
Dean presented a resolution showing that the ICA continues to oppose the CRC project. It was moved that the resolution be passed. The motion was seconded and approved.
Dean and Nathan Corser are also meeting with George Hale (a homebuilder) on an upcoming single family home. They are also meeting with a resident of the Sabin neighborhood to discuss the potential development of skinny houses on NE 14th behind Whole Foods.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.