Minutes for January 9th
Role call: Peter O’Neil, Peggy O’Neil, Jim Barta, Dean Gisvald, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Michela McMahon, Nathan corser, Marin shrout-pastor HPCOG, Nan Stark-BDS, Steve Cole, Emily Weltman, Barbara Christopher, Jason Messer
No officer tonight
Nan-comprehensive plan update (BDS)
- Public comments from map app
- Suggestions for commercial zones
- General comments on 82nd ave (adding bikeways, trolley issue, improvements)
- Streetcar suggestions for alberta, mlk
- Historic district zoning issue-will it be EX-ed
- Desire for more sidewalks
- Better access in cully and east Portland
- Pressure on older homes for tear downs for redevelopment
- Dean brought up question of density and zoning
Notes from last meeting: Ammendments-Show Dean as in attendance; notes from past meeting
(Barb and Dean to meet with Sabin to discuss problem issues with tear downs, pop-ups and remodels) Strike skinny houses behind Whole Foods and put in problem developments in Sabin.
NECN- Jan 29th at 6:30 meeting for board members
New Trader Joes @ Alberta and MLK
- Arguments against the PDC
- Neighborhood wanting community center
- Don’t want TJ’s gentrifying the neighborhood
Park deficient-Steve
Parks-Jason- Monkey Puzzle tree being removed; rapid decline; wood needs to be saved; was a lewis and clark expo tree- from 1905 seed; discussion of replacement tree
- deadline for articles Feb 15th for the Mar 1st deadline
- Liason with other newsletters/magazines
- NECN info about neighbors nearby
- Tree article from Jason
- Oregon Community Warehouse on MLK-someone to write it?
- Thank-you’s from charitable giving
- Barb or neighbor article about GRIMM (Brian has photos)
- Craig is behind but working on it
- Barb soliciting articles and updated articles
Land Use
- 22nd and Siskiyou-tear down of non-contributing structure
- Appeal from a home owner
- Barb and Dean meeting with Sabin about historic districts
- News about CRC; car trips going down; potential article from Dean about anti CRC
- Question about gas station in Elliot on 7th south of Knott o Regular date for land use mtg- Jan 30th
Charitable Giving
- Nothing to report; waiting to hear from Sabin PTA
- Playground improvement project for Sabin-potential article