Minutes for February 13th
Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Chris Poole-Jones, Barb Christopher, Michaela McMahon, Nathan Christensen, Dean Gisvold
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - Moved, seconded and approved.
Police Report: Officer Joshua Buller distributed crime stats for January 2014. Discussion was had about excessive fireworks, neighbor concerns about mentally unstable people who may pose a danger to residents, the serial flasher in Irvington, Alameda and Grant Park.
Tree Stewardship: Neighbors on NE 17th are concerned about the amount of tree removal in the neighborhood. Reminder that neighbors can contact the city’s Forestry Department and that the city is starting to check in on replantings. Discussion had about sidewalk contractors who are encouraging homeowners to remove trees. Next step: The ICA will draft a letter of concern to the Forestry Department.
NECN: Discussion about whether the ICA approves of the NECN potentially partnering with the Portland African American Leadership Forum (PAALF) for neighborhood programs (i.e. Traders Joes project). A motion was made that the ICA support a wide-open forum discussion with all parties. The ICA would not support a specific partnership with any of the entities. Motion seconded and approved.
Budget Report: Jeff Jones presented the most current balance sheet for the ICA. Collection for past newsletter ads is still underway, but going well. No blowback from raising newsletter ad rates. Jeff reminded the board that we have not have a formal approval of the budget because the board was waiting for findings from the capital projects committee. Jeff will send out budget for board to review and it will be voted on at the April meeting.
Parks: Movies in the Park dates will be July 19 and August 16th; Irving Park.
Newsletter: Spring issue is being prepped and will be sent to printer soon.
Website Update: Brian Schaeperkoetter reported that the site development is in progress and distributed the home page design.
CRC: Steve Cole attended hearings in Salem to hear and testify on progress with the CRC. He continued to assert the ICA’s opposition to the project.
ADU and RICAP Code Amendments: New code language was discussed, which referring to height limits and zoning for new buildings and short-term rentals including Air B&B options. Further review needed and deadline for filing an official position is February 22. Dean Gisvold has made a number of amendments to the proposal. It was moved that the ICA approve Dean’s recommendations to the city. Motion seconded and approved.
New Business: Jim Heuer presented a map created in 1975 of Irvington that showed the historic district boundaries are in line with what we currently observe.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.