Minutes for March 13th
Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Chris Poole-Jones, Barb Christopher, Michaela McMahon, Nathan Christensen, Dean Gisvold, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Emily Weltman, Nathan Corser, Jason Messer
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - Moved, seconded and approved with amendments.
Home Tour Update: Kim Bissell provided an update on the 2014 tour, which will be held on May 18. All houses and sponsors have been secured. Volunteers are needed; email at volunteer@irvingtonhometour.com.
Portland Food Project: Richard, from the PDX Food Project, presented information about this local nonprofit, which collects food at neighborhood homes. Asking for people to sign up to volunteer to donate monthly to the program.
NECN Report: Update on current events, including liquor-licensing forum, designed to provide problem- solving tools around the issue of licensing. SOLV working with commander of the North precinct. April 21 meeting with center on Last Thursday. Steve Cole reported that there has been no progress on Trader Joe’s project. Sabin neighborhood would like a representative from the ICA to join an affordable housing committee. Steve agreed to attend and will run an item in the newsletter recruiting a representative.
Deborah Kafoury running for Multnomah County Chair: Introduced herself and shared that she will be up for a vacant chair position and then a four-year chair. Asked for our support.
Loss or Trees in Neighborhood and Pin Oaks on Broadway: Pin oak removal cannot be appealed and will be taken out. A suggestion was made that every member of the ICA call Amanda Fritz and others regarding the issue of tree removal and urging her to enact the policy on tree removal on private property. A suggestion was made that the ICA contact the media, as well. Motion made in opposition of cutting down trees, which was seconded and passed.
Treasurers Report: Jeff Jones presented the current for approval. Motion made to approve budget with amendments. Seconded and passed.
Website Update: Brian Schaeperkoetter reported the site is complete and on staging server for content load.
Newsletter: To cover areas that are currently missed (55 homes), newsletters will be direct delivered. Next issue will publish in early May. Content is due by April 15. Stories include a home tour focus on historic renovation “gone good” and an article about tree removal from Jason Messer.
Land Use: Dean Gisvold reported that CRC is in the process shutting down. Code compliance has six-seven pending cases. Mixed use zoning project policy work is continuing with the city. This is the big time for applications with spring work on homes. Purple mini-mart complaint has been filed and fines are being levied against the owner. Next meeting Land Use meeting will be held on March 27.
Historic District: Barb Christopher reported on advocacy efforts to shore up Type 1 vs. Type 2 issues and questions from applicants. She also reported on the longest living code compliance issue (two years ago) house on Klickitat that put in 13 windows without review. City says can keep 11, but must fix the large ones in the front. Other projects include work with Coalition for Historic Resources on a historic district primer for homeowners, which is currently in draft. Another project is follow up to honor Mary and Smith Piper by naming the Century House program in their honor. Sign will reference the graphic look of the home tour and include the column some home. Motion made to approve design and language. Seconded and passed. Motion made to approve additional funds to get signs made. Seconded and passed.
Parks: Jeff Jones reported on 9th Street Crossing project. Permits approved in December and construction will begin soon.
New Business: Susan Hathaway-Marxer shared a letter from Sisters of the Road for our contribution in Lee Pearlman’s name.
May 10 neighborhood clean up. Volunteers needed.
Legacy Medical clinic representative is looking for ways to partner with the neighborhood.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.