Minutes for June 13th
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones, Steve Cole
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Michela McMahon, Jason Messer, Pam Lindholm- Levy, Emily Weltman, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Christine Coers-Mitchell
Guests: Nikki Johnston, Lee Pearlman, Tim Hall, Daniel Carter, Whitney F., Emma Nelson
Approval of Prior Minutes: Moved, seconded and approved.
Care of Irvington School Grounds: Jenn Fortmann from Irvington School spoke as a representative of volunteer groundskeepers. Currently struggling with caring for grass and playing field over the summer months. Looking to partner with ICA to keep grass alive during the summer. Total cost is $1,650. She thinks they can get by with $1,400. Henderson Turf is the contractor who would do this. Susan Hathaway-Marxer suggested a proposal to consider funding in our September meeting. Seconded and will be discussed.
Irvington School Lobby Redo: Steven Lebwohl presented a plan for an architectural redesign of Irvington School lobby, including a donated bench in memory of his wife. The plan specifically takes into account security in the building. He is working with principal and vice principal to propose a window in the lobby where the historic mural is. He is proposing moving the mural down that hallway and perhaps adding to them. Asking for funds over the next few years and perhaps to have an ICA join a committee. Steven was asked to come back to update the ICA in September or October. For questions, contact XXXXX@XXXXX.
Treasurers Update: Jeff Jones presented the FY 12-13 budget.
Charitable Giving Report: Susan Hathaway-Marxer reported on 13 grant applications for funding. Budgeted amount of 17,000. Amounts requested 23,000. Allocation attached. Motion made to allocate funds as stated. Seconded and approved.
Land Use Report: Dean Gisvold reported that the ICA has never used land use legal funds in the ICA’s designated land use legal, but suggested to increase the fund in the future. Discussed the Type I and Type II review process to potential new board members. Next meeting will be held on June 27 at Westminster Church. Agenda items include a liquor licence presentation from Teresa Marchetti and the business manager from Madeline Church will report on the lights and other projects.
Home Tour Recap: Pam Levy reported on the 2013 tour. This year was the 31st year. Between ticket sales, sponsorships and advertising, the tour sold 900 tickets and grossed $37,000. After expenses we netted the same as last year.
NECN: Proposed executive director will be named at the next meeting Good in the Hood event on June 29 needs volunteers.
Neighborhood Cleanup: The event was slower than usual, perhaps because of the nice sunny weather. Jason Messer added that it seemed that other neighborhood clean up groups might have overlapped with us, which turned out to be helpful when others were not open.
Newsletter/Web site: Brian Schaeperkoetter that he has contacted two potential editors and a list of folks who are interested in volunteering as writers and photographers. This is his last year as editor. Brian and Barb Campbell will have the ICA’s new website ready to launch after it is approved at the September meeting.
Summer Meetings/Committees: Steven Cole suggested the formation of a committee to meet in July and August to discuss priorities for the coming year. Nathan moved that a committee meet in July and August to address these issues. Motion seconded and approved.
Board of Directors Election: Four officer positions need to be filled.
Officers elected for one year term:
- President: Steven Cole elected by acclimation.
- Vice-President: William Archer elected by acclimation.
- Treasurer: Jeff Jones elected by acclimation.
- Secretary: Brian Schaeperkoetter elected by acclimation.
Director positions that are up:
- Christine Poole-Jones,
- Jeff Kraft
- Emily Weltman
- Jim Barta
- Christine Coers-Mitchell
Nathan Christiansen 3200 ne 19th Tom Mertes
Robert Ridgeway
DEPARTING Erik Hovmiller
Steven Cole and Peter O’Neil nominated and elected by acclimation as NECN representatives.
All elected by acclimation.
New Business
- Penninsula Park June 27 100 anniversary celebration
- Fourth of July fireworks stand at Holladay Park Church of God
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.