Minutes for May 9th
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.
Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones, Steve Cole
Directors in attendance: Peter O'Neil, Michela McMahon, Jason Messer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Emily Weltman, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Christine Coers-Mitchell
Guests: Nikki Johnston, Lee Pearlman, Tim Hall Daniel Carter, Whitney F., Emma Nelson
Approval of Prior Minutes - moved seconded and approved.
Benson Bubbler
Tim Hall from Portland Water Bureau discussed the ICA's request for a Benson Bubbler. He clarified that the four-bowl bubblers that were requested are not allowed outside of downtown PDX. We would be allowed a three-bowl bubbler. Decision pending and will be discussed at the June meeting.
Fourth Dimension Sober Club
Representatives from the Fourth Dimension Sober Club introduced their organization, located at 2410 NE Mississippi, which is a place where young sober people can hang out. Movies, social events and a safe place for sober or recovering people can gather.
Knott Street Sprints
Daniel Carter of Cyclopedia, a small bike repair shop in PDX, is seeking community support for a bicycle-related event on Knott Street (during the same day as Sunday Parkways). He approached the ICA for counsel on getting a city permit to close Knott Street.
Irvington Home Tour
Pam Levy reported on the 2013 tour, which will be held on May 19. Reported on sponsors and ad income to date, which a bit less than $15,000. Ticket sales are slightly down, but are still close to what we had sold last year. Highlights of this year's tour include eight homes, horseless carriage club, 1:30 garden lecture by Eileen Fitzsimons, Hardy Plant Society plant sale and walking tour of neighborhood gardens. Volunteers are needed. Brian Schaeperkoetter reported on some excellent coverage that PDX Monthly had in their online At Home newsletter.
Land Use Report
Jim Barta reported ongoing work with condo in 17th and Schulyer, which is in its second review and is going favorably. Other land use issues include:
- NE 12th application for new porch
- NE 14th application for new garage
- Taco Bell on 7th and Broadway looking for guidance on a remodel, although the business is not technically in the historic district
Jim also reported on several new code violations, which are currently being tracked in Irvington. Many of these are Type I violations, which have been allowed to slide in the past, but are now coming due for review.
NECN Report
Peter O'Neil reported on the search for a new executive director. Interviews will begin in next couple of weeks with the new director expected to be hired in June. He also reported on the Mayor's budget, which shows a 3.3 percent cut to NECN, plus a cost of living raise, which is good news. The NECN is partnering with Good in the Hood to help get the organization running. He als reported on the CRC legal fund (a reminder, the ICA voted to give $1000 to the fund and allocate an additional $1000 if needed.) The additional funding is needed, because NECN's legal funds are now up to $15,000. William Archer will get a check cut from interim ICA treasurer, Jeff Jones.
Parks Report
Jason reported that two food carts have been secured for the Movies in Park events.
Neighborhood Cleanup
The 2013 event will be held Saturday, May 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Brian Schaeperkoetter reported that the Summer 2013 newsletter dropped today. He is working over the next month to solidify a new editor for the coming year.
High Speed Rail
Brad Perkins reported on the formation of a group to look at the feasibility of high-speed rail from Eugene and Vancouver, WA. There are three possible routes, which ODOT will examine. The closest corridor to Irvington would be a station between Interstate Boulevard and the Rose Quarter.
June Elections
Peter O'Neil reported on 2013 elections, which will be held at the June meeting. William Archer has termed as president, so new president will be elected. Several board members are also up for reelection and we currently have two board of director vacancies.
New Business
- Brad Perkins mentioned that the fifth year of the Irvington Farmers Market will open on June 2
- Lee Perlman announced that Walter of Cadillac Cafe cook has had a stroke and a benefit will be held for him from 5:30 to 8 on May 15
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm