Agenda for April 12th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: William Archer

Officers absent: Mary Piper, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Brian Schaeperkoetter

Directors in attendance: Chris Poole-Jones, Peter O’Neill, Steve Cole, Barb Christopher, Jim Barta, Jeff Jones, Jeff Kraft, Jason Messer, Christine Coers-Mitchell (7:10), Brad Perkins (8:10)

Directors absent: Dean Gisvold, Nathan Corser, Michaela McMahon, Susan Marxer- Hathaway

Guests: Molly Hanson, Kim Bissell

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with as corrected.

Police Report
Officers did not attend this month and no report was given.

Project Linkage
Molly Hanson, Coordinator for Project Linkage, provided a history of the organization, which opened in 1980. The organization’s goal is to help elderly and disabled neighbors stay in their homes as long as they can safely. Project Linkage helps neighbors with home tasks, telephone check‐ins, and minor repairs (“squeaks and leaks”). Mostly, Project Linkage provides transportation services through their vans and volunteer ride program. Volunteers provided over 3200 hrs in rides last year. Hanson thanked the ICA for its long and continued support and encouraged attendees to volunteer.

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