Agenda for April 12th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: William Archer

Officers absent: Mary Piper, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Brian Schaeperkoetter

Directors in attendance: Chris Poole-Jones, Peter O’Neill, Steve Cole, Barb Christopher, Jim Barta, Jeff Jones, Jeff Kraft, Jason Messer, Christine Coers-Mitchell (7:10), Brad Perkins (8:10)

Directors absent: Dean Gisvold, Nathan Corser, Michaela McMahon, Susan Marxer- Hathaway

Guests: Molly Hanson, Kim Bissell

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with as corrected.

Police Report
Officers did not attend this month and no report was given.

Project Linkage
Molly Hanson, Coordinator for Project Linkage, provided a history of the organization, which opened in 1980. The organization’s goal is to help elderly and disabled neighbors stay in their homes as long as they can safely. Project Linkage helps neighbors with home tasks, telephone check‐ins, and minor repairs (“squeaks and leaks”). Mostly, Project Linkage provides transportation services through their vans and volunteer ride program. Volunteers provided over 3200 hrs in rides last year. Hanson thanked the ICA for its long and continued support and encouraged attendees to volunteer.

Home Tour
Kim Bissell reported that the Home Tour had about $15,000 in advertising. Billy Grippo again provided a Platinum Sponsorship. This year there will be 7 homes plus the White House, Irvington School and Irvington Tennis Club. The Horseless Carriage Club will be bringing period cars and parking them in the neighborhood. We also may have surrey bikes available for rides. The tour still needs a few volunteers for the afternoon of the tour.

Peter reported that the NECN has asked the neighborhoods to donate toward the costs for the clean‐up postcards, because of their budget cuts. The postcards, which list all of the northeast neighborhood clean‐ups, cost $5,000. The postcards are our main advertising for the event. It was moved, seconded and approved (with one abstention) that the ICA donate $450 toward the costs of the postcards.

Peter also updated the Board on the redesign of N. Williams for shared car and bike lanes. However, the changes are dependent on sufficient fund allocation, which has not yet occurred.

It was reported that Sullivan’s Gulch is having a meeting on April 19 at Grace Memorial Church to discuss a proposed building at the NE 33rd and Broadway Property.

Resilience PDX will have a disaster preparedness seminar on June 2. Check NECN website for details.

Steve Cole noted that there was an upcoming meeting on the CRC soon.

Website Development
Barb Christopher explained the schedule for the website launch.

Historic Preservation
Barb Christopher shared that the committee is continuing to provide new homeowners with brochures and that these will be available at the home tour. The Portland Coalition for Historic Resources is continuing to work on getting the fees lowered for permitting on work done on homes in the historic districts.

Land Use
Jim Barta reported on the following:

  • NE 9th ‐ Deck – No objection
  • NE 21st – New house. Committee provided lots of feedback.
  • NE 12th ‐ Second story addition Committee gave positive feedback.
  • NE 19th – Covered porch – Committee gave positive feedback.
  • NE Knott – Windows and door. Work was done poorly.
  • Madeleine Church – Neighbors complained about lights put up on NE 23rd side. Obtained permit after work was done.

Jim also noted several other properties in the neighborhood had work done for which the owners did not obtain permits. The Land Use Committee asked that neighbors let them know if they see work going on.

Jeff talked about movies in the park. On Friday, July 20, the program will show the latest Mission Impossible film. On Friday, August 17, Hugo will be shown. The City is relying on neighborhoods to fund the program because of budget cuts. Advance Credit Union has donated $500 for each of the Irving Park movies for a total of $1,000. There will not be tree climbing this year because there is not enough money to fund.

Jeff noted that the Siskiyou bike boulevard will be under construction this summer. He also noted that the block of Klickitat between 23rd and 24th will close this summer.

Peter will head‐up committee. William has agreed to run for President. We need nominees for treasurer and 3 open Board slots.

Sullivan’s Gulch Trail
Brad Perkins requested that the ICA President send a letter to the Mayor and City Council in support of a request to use urban renewal funds for Sullivan Gulch Trail . Brad presented draft letter, which the board approved with changes suggested by Jeff.

National Night Out is scheduled for the first Tuesday in August. William suggested that we work with Sabin and Elliot neighborhoods to do joint picnic in Irving Park. We need someone to chair a committee.

Neighborhood Clean‐up
Clean‐up is scheduled for May 12 at Holiday Park Church of God from 9‐2.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:
Christine Coers‐Mitchell
Board Member

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