Minutes for March 8th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter Officers absent: Mary Piper, Pam Lindholm-Levy

Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neill, Steve Cole, Barb, Jim Barta, Dean, Michaela McMahon, Jeff Jones, Jeff Kraft, Susan Marxer-Hathaway, Jason Messer, Peter O’Neil

Directors absent: Christine Coers-Mitchell, Chris Poole-Jones, Nathan Corser, Brad Perkins

Guests: David McMahon, Lee Perlman, David Sweet, Justyn Baker, Dany Daust, Eric Stevenson, Lisa McCall, Maila Davenport, Don Petit, Shelia Abish

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with stated amendments.

Police Report
Officer Sheldon reported on city budget recommendations and personnel cuts that affect the city of Portland. The result will be diminished response to calls for service. He shared the complete report with William. Regarding crime in the neighborhood, officer Sheldon reported that there was nothing on the rise. There was a Sabin‐area car theft in front of school during school hours. Lloyd Center juvenile problems continue to be a problem with fights and theft.

Dogs, Kids and Neighborhood
Irvington principal Lisa McCall is looking for clarification on issues with dogs on school playfields. She said that there have been reports of kids stepping in dog poop at recess. Staff who have asked dog owners to leave school property have been confronted with resistance. And playfield cleanup has become a workload issue for custodians – particularly in playfield’s bark chip area. Lisa asked for clarification about school property ownership. She was under the impression that part of the school property was owned by Portland Parks and Recreation, however the City reported that the entire property was owned by PPS. Michaela McMahon clarified the grant and dog/bark‐chip area that was created by the ICA, and has developed as a place for people to walk dogs. A recommendation was made for the ICA to partner with Irvington School’s safety committee to clarify issues. Members should e‐mail Lisa or Michaela to connect.

Newspaper Vending Boxes
Neighbor Shelia Abish shared a concern with the newspaper vending boxes along Broadway that are empty and collecting trash. Dean Gisvold clarified that according to the City’s code, if they haven’t been kept up for 30 days, the city can remove them. He recommended that Shelia call the city with complaints.

Historic District
Neighbor Dany Daoust presented a perspective on the historic district, saying that it has been a surprise for most residents. He feels that residents do not understand or are not aware of procedures and regulations. He posed the following questions:
‐ What is the position of the ICA as far as how the City applies rules governing the historic district? Dean Gisvold clarified the process for design review as far as how the city works with property owners. Dean rates the relationship between the ICA and the City as a A‐ to B+. Barb Christopher added that the ICA, along with other PDX historic districts, is working to amend fees and processes. There has also been greater transparency and clarity in communication of processes.
‐ How is the appeal process happening? And are we lobbying about fee structure ... or is it more, for example building restriction? Barb Christopher reported that City staff time involved in reviews equals money. The City expects the fees to pay for the process, so they would want to reduce amount of staff time, which means simplifying the review process. William Archer added that the regulations in place are in place for a reason: to enhance the neighborhood. Dean Gisvold, then clarified the process for design review.

Website Development
Brian Schaeperkoetter shared initial designs and site map for the Irvington Home Tour Web site. The IHT’s Web site is slated to go live in conjunction with the Home Tour on May 20, 2012.

William reported on a seminar he attended on legal implications and cautions for neighborhood associations. The seminar specifically focused on at accounting practices and having a neutral space in your meetings – particularly staying out of politics because which could mean the loss of nonprofit status. Also lawsuits surrounding Robert’s Rules of Order governing community organizations and how to run small public meetings. In other housekeeping news, Pam Levy has asked to step down as vice president. William stressed that the ICA does not currently have a nominating committee. Also National Night Out needs someone to help coordinate the process and events.

Historic Preservation
Barb Christopher shared that the window weatherization and repair guidebook is moving forward. The contract for work is being signed with a deliverable to be done by September meeting.

Land Use
Dean statused the group on four land use proposals:

  • Applicant removed and replaced windows in front and side, replacing wood windows with vinyl windows. City stopped the work and the windows were removed. Application re‐noticed showing that they would replace windows, but did not have sufficient info. Land Use did not approve application.
  • Installation of deck on back of home with own designs. Asking the city to re‐ notice the job.
  • Homeowner working with architect to make changes to home, and presented plans to Land Use Committee.
  • Architect called Land Use for consultation on project.

Steve Cole introduced David Sweet from the Fresh Exchange program (which the ICA has supported with funds over the past several years) who presented their 2011 report on services. Steven also reported on CRC advocacy efforts and strategizing messages with other organizations. The NECN is working on a speaker series to educate neighborhood associations on the issues. William and Page Coleman will send letters to other neighborhood associations to solicit input for legal funding. Steve reported that the NECN is talking with New Seasons regarding the Boise/Elliot neighborhood concerns about the design of building (one story vs. multi story). He also reported that the NECN sent a letter to the N Williams stakeholder advisory committee regarding the redesign of N Williams to increase bike and pedestrian safety. The NECN is also asking neighborhood associations to donate funding to help with clean‐up efforts. Discussion was had about the ICA giving the NECN $300, which will be brought up at April meeting for a vote. The NECN is gathering information on traffic and transportation issues in the neighborhood. Questions and comments can be directed to Peter O’Neil. In other news: NECN committee positions are also open and Solarize NE project is still going on, as well as weatherization and seismic retrofit projects with Neil Kelly.

Neighborhood Clean up
Jason Messer reported that the event will be held on May 12 9 to 2 @ Holladay Park Church of God. A volunteer signup sheet was circulated at the meeting. Jason reported that we are once again partnering with Cloudburst Recycling.

Home Tour
All homes set, lecture set, volunteers needed.

New Business
William read a letter from Friends of Trees letter, asking for support of more trees on Broadway. Pam mentioned an upcoming front yard gardens tour in Sabin.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m

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