Minutes for February 9th
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Pam Lindholm-Levy
Officers absent: Mary Piper
Directors in attendance: Michaela McMahon, Dean Gisvold, Steve Cole, Barb Christoper, Jeff Kraft, Jim Barta, Jason Messer, Jeff Jones, Susan Marxer-Hathaway, Peter O’Neil
Directors absent: Christine Coers-Mitchell, Chris Poole-Jones, Nathan Corser
Guests: Officer Craig, Heather Jeffries, Maila Davenport, Gary Griggs, Janna O’Conner
Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with stated amendments.
Police Report
Officer Craig, reported that crime appears to be down from prior months. Questions were raised about ticketing bikes without lights and not stopping at stop signs.
William reported that Barb Christopher will replace Mary Piper as the head of the Historic Committee. Mary will now take on the role of neighborhood historian. Pam Lindholm‐Levy will not be attending this month because of her husband’s injury in California. Kim Bissell, via William, reported that letters of confirmation for houses on the Irvington Historic Home Tour went out yesterday. The tour has a full docket and perhaps three extras that might go on to next year’s tour. William reported on an invitation from the Starlight Parade for neighborhoods to participate in the parade. Discussion was had about using it as possible promotion for Home Tour and events in coming years.
Kinship House
Heather Jeffries, executive director of Kinship House, presented an overview of their program, which helps children cope and reduce barriers for placement in homes from foster care. The program served 320 children last year, up from 130 in previous year. The ICA has supported the program since 1997. Kinship House currently has three board openings and volunteer and fundraising opportunities.
Joe Smith
Multnomah County representative for the Citizens Noise Advisory Committee of the Port of Portland reported on airline and helicopter activity in the area. Joe discussed noise management issues and encouraged neighbors to contact the Noise Management Department with questions and comments about airline noise. Or, call Joe Smith at 503‐287‐6577 or email joe@smithcompound.com. He also added that his son, Jefferson Smith, is now running for mayor of Portland.
Grant Fields
William reported that in 2005‐2006 Grant High School approached the ICA for a lighting project, and the ICA pledged to give $500. Documentation cannot be found as to if or when made the donation. The school is now in the midst of a fundraising effort for the renovation/turning of new field and resurfacing track, plus landscaping to eliminate drainage onto the main field. William suggested that the ICA should send them $500, since we did not actually give them the $500 for the lighting project. A motion to donate the $500 was made, seconded and approved.
Land Use
Dean Gisvold reported that the decision on the five‐plex, located on NE 10 was approved, with an amended setback, was approved. The project will proceed. The rooftop garage deck at 1408 Knott was approved with design and setback issues amended. The ICA will not appeal this project. A property at1026 Knott has applied for historic review. The garage door and front windows were replaced, and the work must be undone to conform to historic district regulations. Dean reported that Trimet is proposing to cut service on Line number 9 and will not cross the river, but will start and stop at Rose Quarter. A meeting for public comment will be held at PDX building February 15.
Newsletter/Web Site
Brian Schaeperkoetter reported that Web site development is continuing and March deadline is in progress. Deadline for submissions is February 15.
Historic Preservation Committee
Barb Christopher reported that new homeowners continue to get our historic district brochure and the ICA is making a proactive effort to educate realtors on issues associated with the historic district. Historic committee meetings will now be held on the second Wednesday of the month. Work continues on historic design review fees and how they compare to others around the country. The committee is trying to appeal and reduce the City of Portland’s Landmarks Commission meeting will be discussing fees at their next meeting. Jim Heuer reported that he is also involved in candidate forums for the upcoming elections and will be promoting discussions about historic preservation.
Window Replacement Publication
Barb Christopher and Jim Heuer reported on efforts to make the historic district process as easy as possible for neighbors by funding the creation of a publication that deals with window replacement, which is a high‐profile issue. They asked the ICA to allocate $3,000 for the project. The project will be done in conjunction with
City of PDX so it will be applicable to local homeowners. A motion to allocated funding was made, seconded and approved.
Steve Cole reported on the NECN’s involvement with the Columbia River Crossing on meetings and messaging plans. The NECN is working on fundraising to cover legal costs, and he asked the ICA to ratify their vote from the January meeting to donate $1,000 for up to $3,000 legal costs and an additional $1,000 for fees up to $6,000. A motion to allocate funds was made, seconded and approved.
Park/Movie Update
Jeff Jones and Jason Messer discussed funding for Movies in the Park. The program is asking for $3,000 for each movie. Tentative dates for the movies are July 20 and August 18. Jeff and Jason also reported that the Park Committee’s budget is currently $2,000 for both movie night and the tree climb. A discussion was had about a possible pass the hat at this year’s even to help fund next year. But for now, movie events are currently up in the air, until funding is ironed out.
Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.