Agenda for January 12
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.
Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Mary Piper, Pam Lindholm-Levy
Directors in attendance: Peter O'Neil, Erik Hovmiller, Jim Barta, Steve Cole, Jason Messer, Brad Perkins, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Dean Gisvold, Jeff Kraft, Chris Poole-Jones
Directors absent: Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Jeff Jones, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Michaela McMahon, Barb Christopher
Guest: Paige Coleman, Officer Matthew McAllister, Anne and Jim Dolan, Lee Pearlman, Diana Keller, Amy Cannon, Maila Davenport, Jim Heuer, Eric Stevenson, Dany Daust, Justyn Baker, Muriel Gueissaz-Tuefel
Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with stated amendments.
Police Report
Two officers were in attendance to report on crime in the area. They reported that they have personally seen more burglaries in the area and asked neighbors to stay vigilant and call when problems arise. They also provided an update on the problems surrounding Broadway and 7th and 8th streets: Police are putting pressure on the area, but still encourage residents to call in to report because more calls mean more focus.
Questions for Candidate Forum
Page Coleman reported on Feb 28 Livability of N and NE neighborhoods mayoral and council candidates forum at Concordia University. She is looking for ICA folks to contribute questions for the forum. The ICA expressed interest in the following areas:
- CRC and livability issues
- Cell towers
- Historic district design fees
- Age of housing stock and how that affects the character of our city; and land use issues that come with that
- Economic development; what will they do to bring employment opportunities here
- Up-zoning in the N/NE quadrant
- Making the Rose Quarter a hub for mass transit
- Energy network system changes
- Eminent domain in relationship to CRC
- Unreinforced masonry buildings and earthquake threats
- Memorial Coliseum development
- Gang activity and public safety
- Streetcar expansion, perhaps up Broadway
Treasurer Report
Mary Piper reported that taxes have been filed for the fiscal year. She has arranged it so the new fiscal year will begin July 1 and end June 30. Budgeting will take place in May for acceptance or amendments at June meeting.
Land Use Report
Dean Gisvold reported on current the status of historic district rules and regulations for new visitors. Two reviews are pending: A vacant lot NE 1-th, which has presented plans for a new five-plex. The Land Use Committee will oppose the project based on the scale and are asking that the developer work to scale the project back. The second issue is a request to replace basement windows on a property, which will not be an issue.
Dean also reported on long-range planning and PDX plan, specifically a subset called the Central City Plan, which deals with N/NE quadrant. ODOT is involved with two options: Transportation and congestion where highways meet and merge. And a land use issue, which involves a small sliver of Irvington - including a portion of Broadway.
Jim Heuer clarified that we requested the historic district to begin in the middle of Broadway, which gives us leverage to decide what the plan looks like plus mass and scale of new structures in the area.
Sullivan's Gulch Bikeway Letter
Brad Perkins presented letter for ICA approval and signature. The letter asks for the PDX Development Committee to allocate funds for the planning, engineering and development of bikeways and light rails along Sullivan's Gulch area. A motion was made to sign the letter. It was seconded and approved.
Newsletter and Website
Brian Schaeperkoetter reported on progress of the development of the ICA and IHT sites. The Web team is targeting an April/May launch date. He also reminded the ICA that he was looking for input on the upcoming March newsletter.
Steve Cole reported on testifying on Monday's PPS School Board meeting regarding boundary issues. He reported that a Solarize NE fundraiser held last week was successful. Other reports: The NECN budget must be cut by 2 percent for coming year. New Seasons will be opening a new store N PDX. The NECN met with New Seasons' marketing director and CEO to offer suggestions for integrating into neighborhood. The NECN attended a N. Williams Ave. bike corridor meeting with discussion about neighborhood growth and gentrification. The NECN was approached to weigh in on the Broadway development plan and was looking for an active ICA representative. Steve also reported that the NECN will appeal the environmental report associated with the Columbia River Crossing project and will proceed with filing suit. The NECN will hold a fundraiser to cover costs and look at outside sources to contribute. He reminded the ICA that it is important to show that there is a community organization opposing the transportation project. Steve asks that ICA kick in $1,000 if the cost for counsel is up to $3,000 and an additional $1,000 if the cost goes above $3,000.
A motion to allocate the funds was made by Dean Gisvold. A straw poll was held and the motion passed. Per ICA bylaws, a formal vote will be held at a later meeting.
Historic Preservation Report
Mary Piper reported that Historic District meetings might be moved to evenings for better attendance. She reported that the committee has sent out 63 welcome to Irvington letters including brochures. Century house signs are now being delivered to 60 houses, which are having their 100th anniversaries. Mary reported that she made a presentation to AIA historic committee to talk about preservation issues. She will also develop questions for candidates regarding historic preservation. The committee is embarking on more outreach for homeowners, representing building permits and information, which are sent to new homeowners and will be on the new Website. The committee will also help homeowners research original design features.
Windows Brochure Proposal
Jim Heuer presented a proposal for the ICA to develop information for homeowners. The Bosco Milligan Architectural Heritage Center has been asked for a PDF brochure that would cover window weatherization issues as they apply to the PDX area. A discussion was held with neighbors in attendance and ICA representatives about the benefits of the brochure. Jim is asking for $3,000 from the ICA to fund this project. Per ICA bylaws, the project will be discussed further and brought to a vote at a later meeting.
Neighbor Comment on Historic District
Several neighbors were in attendance to voice their questions and concerns about policies and regulations associated with the new Historic District. There was a discussion about confusion by committee members and given information and contacts for questions at the city level.
New Business
Brad Perkins announced an open house that he is holding, in conjunction with his announcement that his is running for a position with Metro.
Meeting adjourned at 9pm.