Minutes for May 10th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 

Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Pam Lindholm-Levy

Officers absent: Mary Piper

Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Steve Cole, Barb, Jim Barta, Dean, Michaela McMahon, Jeff Jones, Jeff Kraft, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Jason Messer, Chris Poole- Jones, Eric Hovmiller

Directors absent: Christine Coers-Mitchell, Nathan Corser, Brad Perkins

Guests: Emily Weltman, Donna Lee Holmes, Joshua Curtis, John Milliken, Michael Burham, Andrew Parish, Celeste Carey

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with stated amendments. 

Police Report
Officer Peter Helzer reported on crime stats in neighborhood. There have been1.3 crimes a day. He reported on the shooting at the 715 Club last weekend. Time place and manner restrictions have been filed against the bar. He also reported that shoplifting at Goodwill on NE 15th has been an issue. Celeste Carey, of ONI Crime Prevention, clarified the process of contacting law enforcement in the event of a disturbance. 

Introduction of Potential Board Members
Peter O’Neil provided an update on the 2012 board selection process. William will remain as president and Brian will remain as secretary. The ICA is looking for candidates for treasurer and vice president. Steve Cole is willing to step in as vice president. The ICA also has several open board member positions. Peter introduced: John Milliken, who is interested in serving on land use committee; and potential board members Donna Lee Holmes; Emily Weltman. 

Terra Firma Planning
Andrew Parish and Michael Burnhan ‐‐ who are PSU students working on their graduate degree in urban planning ‐‐ discussed their work with disaster preparedness in our neighborhoods. Discussed setting up a information hub for disaster purposes that does not rely on cell phones or online. The posted the question of where would you go in case of emergency. Ideas included local churches, libraries and businesses like the Hophouse and Peets.

NECN School Committee
Joshua Curtis reported on a committee to advocate for all NE schools after boundary issues. He stated that there was inadequate school funding, lack of transparency in decision making and discussed the issues of gentrification, race and class so all children in NE PDX are getting a great education. He reported that a Jefferson High boundary change is on the horizon, which will affect many N/NE elementary and junior highs. He is looking for representatives who might be in Irvington with students who attend Irvington School to serve on the committee. 

Peter O’Neil reported that the NECN is currently looking for community economic development council representation from the Irvington neighborhood. He also reported on NECN staff losses, which include Shoshana Cohen and Gene Lee. And he reported on the Weatherize NE pilot home improvement program in partnership with Neil Kelly. 

Clean‐up Day
Jason Messer reported that Irvington’s clean‐up day will be held on Saturday, May 12. He clarified a questions about paint ... can’t bring it. An idea for next year: More logistical signage needed to help educate people coming to the event. 

Home Tour
Pam made a request for ICA members to volunteer for this year’s tour. She also reported that the IHT has sold $17,500 in ads. 

Land Use
Jim Barta reported on the following land use cases:

  • 3324 NE 16th: Enlarge rear addition and replace doors and windows (no objection)
  • 3022 NE 13th Ave: new dormers and a second‐story addition (no objections) 
  • 2633 NE 21st: Restore siding, windows and add skylight (no objections)
  • 2744 NE 22nd: Replace windows and doors (no objections)
  • 620‐640 NE Broadway: Storefront alterations (no objections)
  • Buffalo Wings sign adjustment: Recommend denial
  • Madeline Church lighting on NE 23rd and Klickitat: ICA will object to solution of painting installed lighting and conduit. Will be discussed at 5/24 Land Use meeting.
  • Projects in review: 3232 NE 13th replacement of street facing door and windows; 2738 NE 24th new windows; 2233 NE 10th rear addition; 2009 NE 24th new porch on roof

Historic Preservation
Barb presented information about lobbying efforts of land use committee dealing with design fee issues. Jim and Pam are representing an ad hoc coalition of Portland Historic Resources to lobby the city to change fee structures associated with land use issues in the historic district. Pam reported that the committee is gaining traction with city representatives. However, it has been document that a number of land use cases are not currently following code with home alterations due to the sheer volume of cases and the size of the committee to review them. Jim Barta has been delegated responsibility of code enforcement for the committee. Property owners are being advised that they are in violation of city code and a lien will be placed on their properties. But the bottom line is that historic material is disappearing into dumpsters. Barb reported that the ICA will approach commissioner Fritz to discuss options. A suggestion was made for the ICA to perhaps file an injunction against the city. The Historic Preservation Committee might be requesting funds from the ICA’s legal budget, and this will be discussed at the June meeting.

Irvington Home Tour Website
Brian Schaeperkoetter reported that the IHT’s newly designed website will launch on the day of the 2012 Home Tour. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 

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