Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter Officers absent: Mary Piper, Pam Lindholm-Levy
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neill, Steve Cole, Barb, Jim Barta, Dean, Michaela McMahon, Jeff Jones, Jeff Kraft, Susan Marxer-Hathaway, Jason Messer, Peter O’Neil
Directors absent: Christine Coers-Mitchell, Chris Poole-Jones, Nathan Corser, Brad Perkins
Guests: David McMahon, Lee Perlman, David Sweet, Justyn Baker, Dany Daust, Eric Stevenson, Lisa McCall, Maila Davenport, Don Petit, Shelia Abish
Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with stated amendments.
Police Report
Officer Sheldon reported on city budget recommendations and personnel cuts that affect the city of Portland. The result will be diminished response to calls for service. He shared the complete report with William. Regarding crime in the neighborhood, officer Sheldon reported that there was nothing on the rise. There was a Sabin‐area car theft in front of school during school hours. Lloyd Center juvenile problems continue to be a problem with fights and theft.
Dogs, Kids and Neighborhood
Irvington principal Lisa McCall is looking for clarification on issues with dogs on school playfields. She said that there have been reports of kids stepping in dog poop at recess. Staff who have asked dog owners to leave school property have been confronted with resistance. And playfield cleanup has become a workload issue for custodians – particularly in playfield’s bark chip area. Lisa asked for clarification about school property ownership. She was under the impression that part of the school property was owned by Portland Parks and Recreation, however the City reported that the entire property was owned by PPS. Michaela McMahon clarified the grant and dog/bark‐chip area that was created by the ICA, and has developed as a place for people to walk dogs. A recommendation was made for the ICA to partner with Irvington School’s safety committee to clarify issues. Members should e‐mail Lisa or Michaela to connect.