Minutes for December 13th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: William Archer, Steve Cole, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones

Directors in attendance: Eric Hovmiller, Barb Christopher, Pam Lindholm‐Levy, Brad Perkins, Jeff Kraft, Chris Poole‐Jones, Christine Coers‐Mitchell, Dean Gisvold

Guests: Lee Pearlman, Steve Gemmell (Earthquake Tech), Officer Josh Ballard

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved.

Police Report
Officer Josh Ballard reported on trends in crimes. Neighborhood crime – including thefts — have decreased in the past several months. Barb Christopher clarified the neighborhood boundary nuances and asked about including Sabin and Alameda overlaps in Irvington’s crime stats.

Historic Preservation Committee
Barb Christopher reported on the recent HPC meeting. The Committee heard a pending matter on design changes to the Irvington Club, which will be coming to the Land Use Committee. She also updated the board on the historic code improvement project, and added that the Historic Neighborhood Coalition is not happy with the document as produced and will continue to push to see things they would like see incorporated. Barb also discussed the HPC’s century house program for 2013, which include 105 houses and structures in the district. The HPC will send letters to property owners before the end of the year so they can receive yard signs.

Earthquake Retrofitting
Steve Gemmell Earthquake Tech attended the meeting at the request of an Irvington homeowner, who did not show up for the meeting. Steve offered information about earthquake retrofitting in an historic district. Dean Grisvold clarified that the ICA has had no land use applications regarding retrofitting. Barb Christopher suggested that Mr. Gemmell attend an upcoming Land Use and HPC meetings to discuss his concerns.

Steve Cole reported that the NECN is currently seeking a new director; PPS changes to the Jefferson school cluster; and the $1,000 communications grant, which was awarded to the ICA for 2013 work.

Land Use Committee
Dean Gisvold reported on the NE 8th renovation project, saying that the window replacement project in question was double checked with Dave Skilton and the project was moving forward. He also reported on the Madeline Church noncompliant lighting issue. Neighbors and the church have accepted the appeal terms and the lights will be removed from the historic portion of the building. Dean also reported that there are two pending cases currently with the Land Use Committee.

Newsletter Website
Brian reported on three candidates who have expressed interest in the newsletter editor position, plus a handful of writers and photographers.

NE Broadway Business Association
Pam reported on the Portland Spirit Award that the area has won. Suggested that the ICA join NEBBA. A motion was made for the ICA to join NEBBA and have the ICA president attend or appoint a delegate to attend the meetings. The motion was seconded and passed.

Commendation Award
Brad Perkins presented designs for an Irvington Community Association “Neighborhood Pillar” award. Jeff Jones raised the possibility of a public place where names could be added over the years. As discussion followed about honoring a person — for example Mary Piper — with a plaque on a public capital project. A motion was made by Dean Gisvold to spend $250 to buy a membership or donation to an organization (ie: Architectural Heritage Center) in Mary Piper’s name. The motion was seconded with a friendly amendment that the gift honor both Mary and her husband, Smith. William and Barb will make recommendation about organizing the commemorative gift for Mary. The motion will be voted on at the January meeting.

Capital Projects
Jeff Jones reported on notes, compiled by Nathan Corser, on proposed Neighborhood Capital Project planning. Ideas included a pathway around Irving Park, fencing for the off‐leash area, moving off‐leash area, murals on NE Broadway buildings, Benson Bubbler and crosswalks on Fremont.

Jeff Jones then reported on the capital campaign project proposal process that was developed in 2006, which could be used as a guideline for moving future projects ahead.

A budget will be brought forth in January meeting for $17,000 for charitable giving and $15,000 for capital projects.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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