Minutes for January 10th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: William Archer, Steve Cole, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones

Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Dean Gisvold, Erik Hovmiller, Nathan Corser, Jeff Kraft, Chris Poole-Jones, Jason Messer

Guests: Lee Pearlman, Dana Griggs, Nikki Johnston, Kathy Teapotter

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved.

Police Report

Grant High School Foundation House Party
Dana Griggs discussed the school’s annual House Party fundraiser, which raised $173,000 to fund teaching positions. This year’s goal is to host is house parties on April 20. The House Party Committee is asking the ICA for donations for the school and houses to host house parties.

Peter O’Neil reported on the Neighborhood Association Board orientation in January and SALT discussion about community watershed partnership grant. Peter asked the ICA to offer suggestions for the project. He also reported on the continuing work on the Jefferson High School cluster and walking tours in Killingworth area, where area ministers talking to at-risk kids. And, he reported that the NECN has begun their official recruitment for executive director position.

Land Use Committee
Dean Gisvold reported that the application process for projects has been quiet, with one pending. The major work by both the Land Use Committee and the Historic Preservation Committee is the historic code revision project. Dean reported that the current code changes are not seen as improvements and in his view cause more problems than they solve. The next code review hearing is set for January 22 and suggested changes from various neighborhood and historic groups appear to have not been accepted into the plan. Dean also reported that he and Jim Barta would attend a Landmark Commission hearing on January 14 to discuss the Madeline Church lighting appeal. Dean also clarified that changes (siding and windows) were also progressing on the property at NE 8th Ave. As a result of this Dave Skilton is satisfied that every legitimate developer in Portland knows that Irvington is a historic district and is prepared to follow the regulations. And finally, liquor license complaints have been filed against 715 Club and Aztec Willies. The Land Use Committee will meet with representatives from Aztec Willies to discuss complaints regarding noise, litter and outdoor seating.

Newsletter Website
Brian Schaeperkoetter reported that the March issue would feature a cover story on Herb Amerson, a longtime Irvington resident and co-founder of the ICA. Brian also clarified that he is discussing editor position with three candidates and that he and Barb Christopher were meeting with the Web designer later this month to reboot ICA website.

Jeff Jones reported on a meeting with the head of services for Portland Parks. His primary concern was Movies in the Park ramp up of expenses due to the recession. Jeff explained that it was difficult for the ICA to not know how much films would cost during our budgeting process. A discussion was had about the trust fund for Irving Park to protect funding for movies, including an account with a dedicated ID number. A discussion was also had about developing clarity around the cost of future movies for better budgeting. Dean Griswold clarified it this is not a true “trust fund” ... it is actually “restricted funds.” Jeff reported that the upcoming dates for the movies would be July 20 and August 24. In other news, a parks bond will appear on the ballot next fall for upgrades and proposals for new parks and equity in the parks system. Jeff reported that the ICA would be very supportive of a path around the perimeter of Irving Park.

Capital Projects
Nikki Johnston presented an overview of the potential Benson Bubbler project and the proposal to install one on the corner of NE 15th and Broadway. She has checked with he Water Bureau and water main capability exists on the preferred site, which is outside of Peet’s Coffee. Nathan Corser recapped the process for the capital project campaign and stressed that the ICA would like to look for “short-trigger” projects that could be implemented quickly to show the ICA’s commitment to the neighborhood. Discussion was had about the process for deciding on a project, a full scope of cost for a bubbler from the city and the level of public participation on a project (i.e. neighborhood fundraising.) A motion was made by Dean Gisvold to move forward with the bubbler project on the NW corner of 15th and Broadway at a cost not to exceed $10,000 with the goal of raising up to 50% of that cost from neighborhood and private donations. Motion was seconded and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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