Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Michaela McMahon, Dean Gisvold, Tom Mertes, Emily Weltman, Jason Messer, Nathan Corser
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - Minutes from April not available. Will be approved at June meeting.
Peter reported on Disaster Movie Night and a panel discussion on racial equality in our schools. Claire from NECN reported on community committee support that the NECN provides. The ICA has reached out to the representative from the Lloyd District Eco- district, which will meet on June 3 with neighborhoods to discuss the development.
Jeff Jones requested a parks section on the site, which will be implemented as phase 2. Jeff, Emily, Tom, Steve agreed to tackle the issue of “free press” in the newsletter and the website, plus development of a Facebook page.
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