Minutes for May 8th ICA Meeting
Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Michaela McMahon, Dean Gisvold, Tom Mertes, Emily Weltman, Jason Messer, Nathan Corser
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - Minutes from April not available. Will be approved at June meeting.
Peter reported on Disaster Movie Night and a panel discussion on racial equality in our schools. Claire from NECN reported on community committee support that the NECN provides. The ICA has reached out to the representative from the Lloyd District Eco- district, which will meet on June 3 with neighborhoods to discuss the development.
Jeff Jones requested a parks section on the site, which will be implemented as phase 2. Jeff, Emily, Tom, Steve agreed to tackle the issue of “free press” in the newsletter and the website, plus development of a Facebook page.
Police Report
The officer in attendance reported on crime activity in the neighborhood. There has been a recent spike in larceny and car prowls in the Sabin overlap (NE 8th and NE 14th). Questions were asked about shooting at NE 9th and Stanton on April 27 at 5 p.m. The officer will email information to Steve.
Land Use
Dean reported on an application to tear down noncontributing house. The house was actually contributing and recently sold for approx $700,000.
Dean also reported on RICP 6 and short-term rentals, including air B&Bs. The land use committee will be going to city council in June for discussion. A new proposal will regulate 1-2 bedroom units in houses and duplexes.
A discussion was also had about Google’s creation of “fiberhood”. Question: Does Irvington want to participate? Discussion about a vote and sending a letter stepping forward to be a “fiberhood” once city approves project. Major consideration is the fiber optic “cabinets”, which will be sited throughout the neighborhood on residential lots.
Current applications: Dean reported that Hillary Adam is now replacing Dave Skilton, who has retired. Active applications include 2145 NE Hancock Court to expand to add eight more apartments; full window replacement at the Peet’s building; and Madeleine School boiler work and exterior venting.
Neighborhood representatives walked Broadway area and distributed questionnaire about the relationship between development of Broadway and the adjacent residential districts. Questions included: what was working and how zoning to contribute to good design; traffic concerns; streetlife; loss of trees; one-way vs. two-way street; cycle track; streetcar
ICA Board Elections
Elections will be held at the June meeting. Peter sent out a call for members and board members had several recommendations.
There were two delays because of the printer, and the May (summer) newsletter will drop tomorrow.
Neighborhood Out BBQ
August 5 is National Night Out. There was a discussion of having both a summer and winter party. We have the permit to have an event in Irving Park, if we want it. A motion was made to move ahead with holiday party. It was seconded and passed. A motion was made to form a committee to create National Night Out event. It was seconded and passed.
New Business
May 10 Neighborhood Cleanup Day
Movies in the Park: July 18, Gravity; August 16, Lego Movie
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.