Agenda for June 12th ICA Meeting
7:00pm: Introductions and approval of minutes (both April and May) and June agenda
7:05pm: Police report
7:10pm: Neighbor report of noise issue (Dany and Muriel)
7:15pm: NECN report (Peter/Steve)
- Affordable housing
- Equity training
- Demolitions
7:20pm: Land use: (Jim Barta/Peter)
- NECN Letter re: oil trains
- Letter regarding coal trains
- Letter re: four-way stop at 16th and Hancock
- Proposed apartment building at 7th and Morris.
- Google “fiberhood” discussion
7:30pm: Update on Benson Bubbler (Nikki)
7:35pm: Summer ice cream social on Neighborhood Night Out (Jason/Jeff/Steve)
7:45pm: Winter/Holiday party update/discussion (Steve/???)
7:55pm: Treasurer’s report (Jeff)
8:00pm: Recognition of Herbert Amerson (Pam and William)
8:15pm: Charitable Giving Committee recommendations (Susan)
8:20pm: Home tour wrap-up (Pam)
8:25pm: Elections for upcoming year (Peter)
8:30pm: New business and summer plans
8:40pm: Adjourn