Minutes for June 12th ICA Meeting
Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, Brian Schaeperkoetter, William Archer
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Tom Mertes, Emily Weltman, Jason Messer, Nathan Corser, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Emily Weltman
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Prior Minutes - April and May minutes approved.
14th and Siskiyou Problem
Danny and Muriel Daust reported on rental properties on NE 14th. Noise, larger gatherings, fires in backyard, called police and talked to neighbors, but no resolution. Discussion about keeping a log of the offenses, keeping the police abreast of the situation.
NECN Report
NECN has drafted a letter regarding tree policy and how to enforce the policy to prevent trees being cut down. City has enacted the policy, which will go into effect in January. SALT presentation on oil and coal trains that are passing through the North part of the city. NECN has drafted a letter asking that trains not pass through until have been proven safe.
Land Use
Jim Barta reported on potential apartment development at Morris and 7th. Elliott neighborhood has asked for our counsel. Four-way stop sign at NE 16th and Hancock to mitigate accidents. Land Use has drafted a letter in support. Motion made to send letter to Steve Novak with revisions. Seconded and passed.
Land Use has drafted a letter regarding coal trains to the governor and senators. Motion made to send letter. Seconded and passed.
- Duplex addition on NE 21st. Application is in with Land Use.
Benson Bubbler - Nikki Johnston reported on $10,000 allocated to install a bubbler at NE 15th and Broadway, adjacent to Peet’s. Nikki has asked city representatives about the status of the application. Currently awaiting reply. Discussion about additional capital projects. Committee will meet over the summer and make recommendation for additional projects.
Summer Social / Night Out
Irving Park is reserved for August 5. Need authorization to purchase ice cream, figure out a way to promote the event; discussion of signage Pam, Jason, Susan, Steve agreed to chair committee. Motion made to allocate a ceiling of $300 for purchase of ice cream and incidentals. Motion seconded and approved.
Winter/Holiday Party
Steve, Susan, Christine, Tom, Jason will chair committee to meet over summer. Target dates of December 4 or 11.
Treasurer’s Report
Jeff provided a printout of the budget. Discussion that we need to be spending the money in reserves. Will discuss projects and allocation priorities at the September meeting after Capital Projects Committee has met over the summer.
Recognition of Herbert Amerson
Mr. Amerson is 92 and one of the founders of the ICA. Discussion of dedicating the Benson Bubbler to Mr. Amerson; remaining the Klickitat Mall; adding a bench to the park. Capital project committee will discuss over the summer and report back in September.
Charitable Giving Committee Recommendations
Susan distributed the recommendations for 2014 giving. Discussion about notification of grants (in particular to neighborhood schools). Motion made to spend all $17,000 to the organizations.
Home Tour
Record year! Expenses and revenue are still being tabulated. But, current figures show 984 tickets sold for $24,600. With all sponsorships and ad sales, total gross is $40,500. Also 146 volunteers.
Peter O’Neil conduced elections for the coming year. Brad Perkins and Roger Ridgeway have stepped down. The following positions were elected:
Officers: President, Steven Cole; Vice President, William Archer; Secretary Emily Weltman; Treasurer, Jeff Jones
Board Members: Aaron Stuckey, Tiffany Shakespeare, Bev Burn, Kysa Kelleher, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Peter O’Neil, Nathan Corser, Barb Christopher, Dean Gisvold, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Michaela McMahon, Jason Messer,
Pam Lindholm-Levy
NECN Representatives: Peter O’Neil, Steve Cole
New Business and Summer Plans
Motion made to authorize a charitable donation in Chris Poole-Jones’ name at the September meeting.
Website training will be scheduled with Emily, Barb and others
Announcement of Broadway Super sale
Signs to be created to publicize ICA meetings
- Grand Central Bakery will be closing
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.