Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.
Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones, Steve Cole
Directors in attendance: Peter O'Neil, Michela McMahon, Jason Messer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Emily Weltman, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Christine Coers-Mitchell
Guests: Nikki Johnston, Lee Pearlman, Tim Hall Daniel Carter, Whitney F., Emma Nelson
Approval of Prior Minutes - moved seconded and approved.
Benson Bubbler
Tim Hall from Portland Water Bureau discussed the ICA's request for a Benson Bubbler. He clarified that the four-bowl bubblers that were requested are not allowed outside of downtown PDX. We would be allowed a three-bowl bubbler. Decision pending and will be discussed at the June meeting.
Fourth Dimension Sober Club
Representatives from the Fourth Dimension Sober Club introduced their organization, located at 2410 NE Mississippi, which is a place where young sober people can hang out. Movies, social events and a safe place for sober or recovering people can gather.