Minutes for March 14th

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: William Archer, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jeff Jones

Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Erik Hovmiller, Jeff Kraft, Jason Messer, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Barb Christopher, Emily Weltman,

Guests: Kim Bissell

Approval of Prior Minutes
Moved, seconded and approved with amendments.

Clear Water Presentation
Kellie Barnes, a volunteer representative of Clean Water Portland, presented data and information about water fluoridation chemicals in PDX water supply. She urged the ICA to endorse the Clean Water Act in the upcoming election. Peter O’Neil invited the group to an upcoming NECN meeting. Endorsements are due in May.

Westminster Church Block Party
Evelyn Hanks discussed a potential block party that will be held on September 6, 2013. She was also interested to learn more about the ICA.

Home Tour
Kim Bissell reported on the 2013 home tour, which will be held on May 19. Tickets are available beginning April 1 and will be $25 this year. Eight homes have been selected for the tour. All homes, but one, are on the west side of NE 15th. The tour is partnering with the Horseless Carriage Club of America and the Hardy Plant Society. A lecture on historic Portland gardens will be held at Irvington School and will feature noted gardener Eileen Fitzsimons. As of Monday’s IHT committee meeting, the committee has raised $9,600 via advertisers. The committee is looking to recruit volunteers. Contact volunteer@irvingtonhometour.com or Pam Lindholm-Levy for more information.

Historic Preservation Committee
Barb Christopher reported on a condo development at NE 17th and Schuyler, which will be reviewed by the landmark commission on April 8. The HPC is continuing its work with the code revision project. Barb reported that the city council voted on February 22 to approve a new Type I review (mainly for smaller projects) for historic design review starting May 1. The language of the code is available on the BPS website. The HPC is happy with much of the new language, and will closely monitor the code’s impact over the coming year to see what works and what doesn’t.

Land Use
A resolution was passed at the most recent land use committee meeting to write a letter supporting Lew Fredericks’s bill testimony to help the OLCC to enforce the proposed good neighbor agreement.

Neighborhood Cleanup
Jason Messer reported that the 2013 cleanup will be held on May 11 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Holliday Park Church of God, at 22nd and Tillamook. Jason discussed the possibility of yard signs and a banner at the site. (Including a ICA generic banner) Jason is also looking for volunteers to staff the event.

Disaster Preview
Erik Hovmiller reported on a presentation by the neighborhood emergency team, which will happen at the April meeting. This includes places to gather during emergencies, prepping your home and setting up communication hubs.

A newsletter is underway with articles on Fred Amerson, home tour, cleanup, neighborhood capital campaign, historic district update and Movies in the Park. Emily Weltman, Jeff Jones and Brian Schaeperkoetter are working to cinch up advertising contracts and payments. There was a discussion about coordination between IHT and ICA on ads. A new newsletter editor will be in place before the summer hiatus.

Peter O’Neil reported that the NECN has begun a search for a new executive director. He also reported on the YWCA annual inspire luncheon, with special guest Anita Hill on Wednesday, April 10.

New Business
A reminder was given about the April 20 Grant High School house parties to support the school’s foundation. There will be 15 house parties throughout the neighborhood.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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