Agenda March 8th 2018
Irvington Community Association Meeting
Irvington School Library
March 8, 2018
7:00 p.m.
7:00: Introductions
7:05: Approval of February minutes and March agenda
7:06: Charitable Giving Committee update and request of authorization of procedural changes and committee’s ability to enact additional changes on a rolling basis.
7:25: Kinship House update (Dennise M. Kowalczyk)
7:35: Portland Just Energy Transition Initiative (Lenny Dee)
7:50: Northeast Village update (Susan Bach)
7:55: Graffiti Abatement letter of support for retaining funds (see attached letter from Alameda) (Steve)
8:00: Land Use Committee (Dean)
- Better Housing by Design
- 9th Ave. hotel
8:30: Other Committee updates
- Safety committee
- Home tour
- Capital projects
8:40: New business
8:50: Adjourned