Minutes February 8th 2018
Irvington Community Association Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2018
Prepared by: Liz Morgan
President Steve Cole called meeting to order at approximately 7:00 pm
Board members & directors in attendance: Steve Cole, Peter O'Neil, Doug Cooke, Huck Bales, Jim Barta, Bob Dobrich, Sarah Burns, Liz Morgan, Nathan Corser, Josh Plager, Michella McMahon, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Dean Griswold, Jon Eaton, Tiffanie Shakespeare.
Neighbors and guests in attendance: Katie Meckes, John Brennan, Barbara Nagle and her husband, Laura Knightly, Jim Heuer
Minutes Approval
Dean Gisvold moved to approve the January minutes and February agenda. Peter O'Neil seconded. The motion passed.
Katie Meckes, East Mult. Soil and Water Conservation District Presentation
kicking off spring workshop season
local unit of gov’t, “special district”, mission to help people care for land and water
funding comes from property tax dollars
give away money for grants to help people implement practices that help iprove water quality and keep soil healthy, raise gen. awareness about conservation issues
Urban Lands: offer workshops in way ts to landscape and garden without synthetic herbicides and pesticides
Create urban wildlife habitats
Offer six topics: nature scaping, rain gardens (managing storm water), native plants, invasive weeds, pollinators and beneficial insects
Spring: February through June
Fall: September through December
Mult. Co. east of the Willamette River
Always looking for small businesses, non-profits, Comm. Organizations to host workshops
Partner and offer presenters and take care of registration
Host simply finds location that wouldn’t cost money to rent
Max of 40-45 people per workshop (25-30 show up) because single presenter
Need space to present a slide show
Usually classroom style but maybe with outside component to tour a local yard that serves as a habitat
Jim asked if there is any cnxn to the city’s approval of trees at residences for replacement
Katie recommends pairing with Friends of Trees
board member asked, because material was printed in 2013, if there is consideration for plants more durable with climate change
this is under consideration but Katie acknowledged she is not the plant “expert” and that another person in her organization could address this
Discussion of parking permit district in southern portion of Irvington
it had been approved by the board in 2013 but needed to go through the city
in SW corner of Irvington, up against the light industrial area nad Lloyd Distrct and Holladay Post Office
people have to pay for parking so they park in Irvington and walk to their work
Elliot is facing similar problems around Rose Quarter event area
Some people don't view as a problem but rather think it's a part of city living
Want to propose for business hours 8-5pm
Also exemption for non-profit
Also exemption for low-income folks
Need to send a letter by March 3 to PBOT
Dean says there will be a bunch of neighborhoods apply and they will pick 1 or 2
Dean pointed out we tried in the 80s or 90s and there was a lot of opposition who viewed the fee ($25 or $35) as a tax
Two public housing projects
Requirements for the larger parking standard can’t be met because most people in those buildings don't have cars and don’t apply
This doesn't require full buy in
Dean reminded us that Bonneville used to pay for a bus to pick up employees in this area and they wrote a letter and got it changed
Steve Cole points out businesses would probably have concerns about permit districts.
One person asked if the buildings will accommodate for parking
Steve pointed out Oregon Square and the building by Lloyd will have parking but not one-for-one
Dean pointed out there is an exemption for buildings if they are within 500 feet of a business corridor
The question is what is the threshold to the point at which we address this?
We don't need to put together a proposal but rather show we are interested to be considered
The motion passes
Land Use (Dean):
Response to Portland 4 Everyone:
Irvington has twice the capacity for the housing that is needed in the next 20 years (incl. duplexes on corner and ADUs)
IHD twice the density of the city-wide average
Apartments, offices, affordable housing
2,300 single family lots
Dean argues that if we allow 2 ADUs on each lot, that would triple density
and then allow a triplex on each corner
current RIP has no control over prices or rents
homelessness won’t be touched by RIP
concerned it will continue the demolition
Irvington has only had one demolition, but it was non-contributing
Sarah argued that a house that is $250,000 (Dean’s case study) probably wasn’t acceptable for loan purchase
Better Housing By Design
Affects only the multifamily areas R1, R2, RH
Portland is unusual in the amount of old housing stock
Discussion amongst neighbors on how much RIP would affect the neighborhood
Dean & Jim feel strongly about proposing edits to RIP
Request for contribution of $1,000 to the Mult. Neighborhood Association DLCD
We would be funding their appeal re: comp. plan process:
Steve noted the neighborhood wants to limiting heights to 2-3 stories in their neighborhood.
Steve called for the vote. Liz, Steve and Sarah voted “nay”, Huck abstained, the remainder of the board voted "aye": APPROVED
Discussion of “hotel” on NE 9th
100 Airbnb Irvington Listings, only 50 are permitted
Barbara lives next door to a house that was being run by a company called “White Spider” in May
Workshops for businesses, family reunions, bachelor parties, drunks on the street at 2am, etc.
October it was sold to new owner
Applied for Type A permit and Type B permit
Land use committee trying to figure out what to do
Woodlawn/Lloyd Bike Corridor update (Steve)
Letter encouraging city to enact temporary safety measures on Broadway
ask Dan Saltzman to bump this issue up on the list
switch pedestrian symbols and lights
remove a lane
Committee updates
Holiday party (Bob)
Approx. 250 people
Children’s party followed by adult’s party
Both were a huge success
Introduced younger folk to what the ICA is and informed them of committee opportunity
Going to put together a program for sponsorships moving forward
Come out under budget!
Safety Committee (Presented by Bob in light of Christine’s absence)
Securing beat patrols for Broadway
Workshop for Irvington on crime prevention
Change in leadership in the police department but still have confirmed at least one walking beat policeman per week
Public Safety Action meetings have been cancelled due to change in police department but stay tuned
Next meeting is Tuesday, Feb 20th at Westminster Church – Fireside Room
After that, Third Monday of every month
Home Tour Updates
Sarah has been helping round up volunteers
Continuing search for six houses (currently two houses secured)
Disaster Preparedness (Huck)
Update on Shed at Irvington Elementary School
Great turn out for disaster meeting
Where do we meet?: middle of the block, middle of the street (after caring for one’s own home)
Building community on each street
Hope to help this grow
New Business
Irvington is converting to a K-5
Proposed boundary change to Irvington boundaries extending to 27th south of Knott.
New 20 MPH speed zone
City will not be enforcing that but hoping it will dissuade people from speeding
ICA will send a letter urging PDX to enforce their AirBnb regulations
Meeting adjourned at approx. 8:50 p.m.