Minutes March 8th 2018
The board meeting of the Irvington Community Association was called to order by President Steve Cole March 8, 2018 at 7pm.
Attendees were board members Peter O’Neil, Dean Gisvold, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Huck Bales, Bob Dobrich, Sean Green, Jason Messer, Jeff Jones, Christine Coets-Mitchell, Michela McMahon, Nathan Corser, and Pamela Lindholm-Levy. Visitors were Perle Messer, Nikki Johnston, Lenny Dee, and Denise Kowalczyk.
Minutes of the February meeting were approved.
The Charitable Giving committee reported their suggested changes to membership from 7 to 9 and that members serve from June to June. The new members would be someone from the Irvington Home Tour committee and a non-board-member. This year, the members would be Steve, Susan, Bob, Jeff, Huck, Nathan, Tiffanie, Nancy Bales and Jack Kearney. The current committee suggests that applications for ICA funds be electronic in order to simplify the process, create better transparency, provide for better organization, and reduce paper waste. At the moment the committee is not asking to change the written guidelines, but is hoping to bring changes back to the board for approval.
Nikki Johnston asked whether the committee should get its own 501c3 status.
Will we allow fiscal agents that aren’t a 501c3. Is this OK? Can these agents details be examined? Answer: Yes, online.
Concern that the public may see the applications and the $24,000 donated by a private party. It was noted that it is public information anyway.
Nathan moved to send changes ahead to the board in May, seconded by Huck. The motion was approved, with 3 abstentions (Pam, Michela, and Peter) and one No (Susan).
Denise Kowalczyk from Kinship House spoke about this program for foster kids and their families. Kinship House is in our neighborhood and has received funds from the ICA in the past.
Guest Lenny Dee described The Portland Just Energy Transition Initiative, which will potentially be on the Portland ballot in November. Its goal will be to weatherize and solarize homes, while at the same time provide job training. Over half of Portland’s single and multi-family housing units need energy efficiency upgrades. The focus would be on low income housing. The measure would authorize a 1% supplemental business license fee on retail corporations that generate over $1 billion a year in national revenue and at least half a million in Portland (e.g., Ikea, Starbucks, Banana Republic, etc.). The business license fee has not been raised since 1974, and this fee increase will not be assessed for grocery or medicine sales. This measure would only apply to the City of Portland.
The project is led by social justice groups such as NAACP, Sierra Club, Audubon Society of Portland, and has endorsements from 95 groups and 14 neighborhood assoc and many faith leaders.
The initiative is not on ballot yet, and must pass legal challenge.
Northeast Village, which received some funds from the ICA two years ago, now has 118 members, as reported to the board by Susan Bach. Five NE neighborhoods have the most participants. Some participants are volunteers who provide transport, garden, in-home, and tech help. More volunteers are needed. Monthly activities include a men’s group and coffees. The Village management now has an office.
The Land Use Committee updated the board on Better Housing by Design (BHD), including such issues a transfers of extra FAR, transportation and parking demand management requirements, setback requirements, and minimum reality. Three attachments and the BHD information were all provided by Dean Gisvold. One suggestion is to have more density between Tillamook and NE Broadway, which was agreed to by the ICA and city in 1992. It would be called “middle housing,” and would allow 5 family units with no parking. “Visitable” units may not be ADA compliant.
Dean moved to approve his memo. Peter seconded. Jeff Jones abstained, the the remainder of the board approved.
The Air BnB owners on NE 9th have applied for An and B permits. B permit requires conditions. The owner hired an expert in applications and also hired management for their property. 17 neighbors have written to Margo Fuergo-Sanger in support of the next-door neighbors to this troubled property. Dean suggests meeting with Ms. Wright, a short term rental concierge, about this property. Permit A is being fought, while Permit B is pending. Owners said they would contact the ICA, but have not to date. Jeff talked to someone in charge of enforcement and found that if terms are violated the permit can be terminated.
The Portland White House applied to the city for an increase in monthly events from 3 to 16 and up to 120 guests. This is a Type 3 conditional use application. Type 3 is for 3 bedrooms. Type B is for 5 bedrooms. The White House currently has 7 bedrooms. We are told to look at Portland Maps for individual AirBnB permits.
Movies in the park date is not confirmed but will probably be in July. Possible movie will be the most recent Jedi film.
Clean-Up: prices for hauling have gone up, and some haulers have quit. Furthermore, the materials accepted are more restrictive.
Parks: the Parks Dept. is trying to eliminate invasive plants. Jeff was contacted by someone who would like the ICA to contribute to buying new plant material.
Tree Team will do a walk focusing on evergreens, and in the Klickitat Mall by an expert leader.
BWA: ODOT backed out of making a presentation.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:40.