March 10th Minutes
Irvington Community Association Board Meeting
Irvington School- March 10th 2016.
Steve Cole, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7.02pm
Board members present: Steve Cole, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Jon Eaton, Dean Gisvold, , Pam Lindholm-Levy, Sally Mcpherson, Jeff Jones. Ryan Carson, Barb Christopher, Aaron Stuckey, Nathan Corser, Bev Burn. Jim Barta, Jason Messer, Christine, William Archer & Christine Coers-Mitchell
Board members absent: Colin Burn, Michela McMahon, Meryl Logue, Tiffanie Shakespeare & Peter O’Neil
Visitors: Katie Pool, Chuck Stuckey, Lindsay Parks, Marc Parks, Ron Bochenek, David Byrnes (NET), Jamie Rice (NET), Harris Orem (NET), Josh Plager, Eric Hovmiller, Cynthia Chase, Joseph Albert, Nicholas Starin & Bob Dobrich.
Minutes: Motioned by Christine to accept the January and February ICA minutes, Ryan seconded. All board members approved.
Report from the Police:
A police officer was present. Discussion of night time prowling in neighborhood, police officer advised that you don’t leave anything in your car. Residents are encouraged to report incidents using online form in order for PPB to collect statistics.
Non-emergency number to contact local police: 503 823 3333
Emergency preparedness:
Eric a volunteer with “NET” with City of Portland led discussion on emergency preparedness and earthquake risk. Discussion of creating a neighborhood committee. Irvington does not have a beacon, most other neighborhoods do.
Local earthquake workshop will be occurring at Westminster Church on May 7th
Volunteers interested in joining the committee should contact Eric.
Dean moved to create a “Disaster Preparedness Committee’, seconded by Christine and approved by all Board members.
Christine, Nathan & Jason volunteered to join the Committee.
Jeff Jones presented the proposed budget.
Dean moves to approve the budget as presented, Nathan seconded. All Board members approved the budget as presented.
Land Use:
Dean gave a report of the Land Use Committees activities.
Central City Plan.
Dean led a discussion of central city plan.
Central city 2035 document was handed out to the room and the highlights of the document were summarized by Nicholas Starin from the City.
Discussions on a number of planning issues in the Central City Plan including; bonuses for putting in affordable housing, seismic upgrades, future transportation plans for I5/Broadway interchange and building heights.
Currently building can be approved up to 125’ in height (with the use of bonuses), the proposal is to limit buildings to 75’ and will not be able to get additional height through bonuses.The ICA had asked for a limit of 45’.
Discussion of “good neighbor agreements” and non-conforming businesses and how the Central City Plan could impact the property at 15th and Brazee.
Draft Public Discussion period ends March 31st and the Proposed Draft to be completed in May.
Comprehensive Plan.
City Council will publish of amendment to Comprehensive Plan on March 18th, then a comment period will open and be followed by two public hearings on April 14th & 20th.
Dean gave a summary of the complexity of the plan and urged attendees to send emails/letters to the City with any issues or concerns. For example: 15th & Brazee, building heights and zoning.
Perkins House – from non-contributing to contributing.
A letter has been drafted for us by the Land Use Committee and ICA to request that the property now be contributing to the Historic District. The current owner of the Perkins house has removed the non-conforming features (asbestos siding and the porch).
Motion by Dean to approve Dean as Chair of Land Use Committee to sign and send letter to Nicholas Starin at City (and also to the State), William seconded. All Board members approved.
Irvington Clean-Up Day Committee
William will be leaving the committee as co-chair and is looking for volunteers to join Jason with organizing the day.
Discussion that Irvington neighborhood gets donations for the “dumping” and the importance of that revenue collected.
Klickitat Mall
Nathan gave an update on the proposed work at Klickitat Mall and how the $4700 allocation in the aforementioned approved budget will be used.
Next steps will be to engage a landscape architect to identify the target areas, and work in conjunction with PBOT.
The sub-committee is understands that some neighbors are unaware that they do not own the right of way along Klickitat Mall, there is a plan to undertake public outreach with mailings and on site face to face meetings with neighbors in May.
Jeff Jones volunteered to contact Clay at Sabin Community Association to loop into the project.
Home tour update.
The Tour is to be held on May 15th 2016.
The Home Tour is looking for volunteers to host and is also looking for two more properties to take part in the Tour this year. Please let the Home Tour chair Brian know if you are interested.
It was also noted that the home tour doesn’t have Board members on the Committee.
Sunday Parkways.
Would the ICA be willing to help the NE Parkway. Let Steve know if interested. Steve noted that neither Irvington nor its abutting neighborhoods has been included in Sunday Parkways.
Broadway/Wielder Alliance.
Broadway is back on the possible list to have a new Street Car Line, a decision is likely to be made in the Fall.
The Charette will occur on May 14th from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm.
Better Blocks likely to happen on the weekend of the Home Tour and possibly into the following week. The details are still being worked out.
7th Avenue Greenway
Steve and Dean will be attending a meeting Monday, March 14th with the city and other stakeholders.
Historic Districts
Dean and Steve have been approached by other districts to give advice on how to get Historic District zoning.
• Meryl had an article published on the Homeless camps.
• Movies in the Park. July 15th will be Star War & Aug 13th movie TBD.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Next meeting: Thursday 14th April, 7pm. Irvington School Library.