Agenda April 14th
7:00: Introductions
7:03: Approval of March minutes and April agenda
7:05: Police report
7:10: Land Use
- ADU discussion (county taxation, design, comp. plan impact, etc.) and resolution (Peter O’Neil)
- 7th Ave. greenway update (Steve)
- Ratify TSP letter (Steve)
7:25: Irvington Farmers Market (Wendy Jo Downing)
7:35: Neighborhood Zipcar proposal (Chester Anderson)
7:50: Seismic retrofitting (Jessica Bond)
8:05: Irvington School re-boundary plan and changes (Steve Cole)
8:15: Broadway Better Blocks demonstration and request for donation (Ryan Hashagen)
8:35: Committee updates: Capital improvements; charitable giving; Irvington Cleanup; parks; emergency preparedness;
8:45: Home tour update (Pam Levy)
8:50: BWA charrette update (Steve)