Agenda for March 7th

7:00: Introductions

7:03: Approval of February and January minutes and agenda

7:05: Police report

7:15: Land Use 

  • Update on Comp plan and mixed use tsp (Dean Gisvold) 
  • Central City Plan (Nicholas Starin) 

7:35: Emergency preparedness committee formation (Erik Hovmiller) 

7:50: Seismic retrofitting (Jessica Bond) 

8:05: Irvington Cleanup committee (William Archer) 

8:10: Budget adoption (Jeff Jones) 

8:20: Broadway streetcar discussion; preliminary (Steve Cole) 

8:30: Sunday Parkways; discussion of whether we want to volunteer to help with traffic at an intersection and have a table promoting our organization. 

8:30: Home tour update (Brian Schaeperkoetter)