Minutes for October 8th - Unofficial

Steven Cole, President, called the meeting to order at 7.04pm

Board members present: Steve Cole, William Archer, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Peter O’Neil, Meryl Logue, Colin Burn, Jon Eaton, Aaron Stuckey, Dean Gisvold, Nathan Corser, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Jim Barta, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Sally Mcpherson, Michela McMahon, Jeff Jones.

Board members absent: Ryan Carson, Barb Christopher, Thomas Mertes, Jason Messer.

Visitors: Joyce Larson, Susan Stringer from Elliot Neighborhood Association.

Minutes: Jim proposed & Peter seconded. The minutes were approved.

Report from the Police: Officer McCallister emailed to say cannot attend this evening.

Joyce Larson relayed concerns over traffic along 7th Ave to the community police officer. Signatures have been collected from residents along the corridor from 7th Ave to Broadway requesting traffic calming travel measures as cars have been observed traveling at speeds in excess of 40 mph. Joyce reported that the situation is extremely dangerous for cars, people, pets and cyclist and would like to see if the police dept. can bring officers to ticket or speed sensors to help alleviate the problem or consider additional stop signs, speed bumps, sensors and police presence.

It was confirmed that the ICA expressed traffic concerns in the September meeting to the community officer, and Steve volunteered to contact him again. It was suggested that contacting the Traffic Division, as it may get a quicker response.

Land Use: Steve Cole gave a report of the Land Use Committees activities.

  • Comments are still being taken on the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Draft zoning map is available, and the committee is continuing to monitor this.
  • Marcus Apartments addition (11th & Skylar) - they have resubmitted the plans, and they look similar to the previous submissions. The hearing is set to the end of the month.
  • NE 13th Property (residential infill project)- the proposed tear down and new build continues to go through design review.

NE Broadway/Wielder Alliance: Peter gave a report of their recent activities.

Peter gave the report from the latest meeting. The Alliance was asked to “draw out” their dream street on Broadway, Peter was surprised by the amount of agreement from the collective. He notes that they were getting on the same page especially on reduced traffic lanes and a greater presence for bike lanes.

The Alliance is continuing to work on the “Better Blocks” initiative and Portland State University has approached the BWA and is planning to study the lower part of Irvington 24th -7th. They will observe people on the street, taking note of where they are shopping, eating, walking etc. They will take the data collected and come up with a plan/ suggestion for the area. A copy will be provided to the organization, with the possibility of undertaking a trial example of one of the suggestions.

There was a discussion on the removal of the couplet between Broadway & Wielder, and making two way streets, Peter confirmed that this is regularly discussed and all of neighborhood Ass. would be in favor, but it was unlikely to have City support. Alternatives would likely be look at as part of the PSU study.

There was a discussion about the likelihood of street cars on Broadway or possibility of additional Max stops.

The North-Northeast Business Association has elected Brad Perkins as their representative to the BWA, at Brad’s request.

Steve & Dean met with some Japanese students who were studying neighborhood associations; they are trying to implement a neighbor association system in a Japanese city.

Parking Permit Programs: Don Woods forwarded information to the ICA, and is looking for recommendations from the Board.

The mini permit program approved by the ICA in the April 2015 meeting, but was stopped.  Nextdoor.com produced a lot of negative feedback on the suggested program and the local residents were very vocally opposed to the program.

There was a discussion of the Nighttime permit and its impacts.

  • The permit would be required between 5 -7pm, and will not affect the school, but might impact the postal workers and commuters parking in the streets.
  • It has been proposed that the ICA would be the administrator and enforcer of the permitted area. The Board was surprised by this suggestion, and the members stated that this would be a City program and therefore should be the responsibility of the City to administer and enforce. It was noted that the City parking enforcers would have to expand their operation to support the permit proposal.
  • Limitations of the visitors permits and how do residents deal with overnight guests. How would this affect the bed & breakfast businesses/hotels/ Air BNB in the area? The Board expressed concerned over how this would that work.
  • Discussion regarding the money clause and that the permits program could be used as a revenue stream. Should the cost of the permit just cover the administration/enforcement expenses or should it cost more? Yes, if money stays in area. Bev raised concerns regarding the cost for residents and Peter suggested we should be making it easier not more expensive. Proposed permit cost could range $65-70/year or could be lower/vary, it will depend if administered by parking meters or permit passes. The city is looking at putting in metered parking.
  • It was suggested that the ICA look into other mini permit areas that have been successful before we discuss the program further.
  • Steve will give feedback from the Board to Don Woods and the recommendation that an Advisory Committee be created.

Bike infrastructure discussion

Steve discussed the need for bike infrastructure within the Irvington boundary. As additional apartment complexes are being constructed in the area should we ask the City for more bike facilities, for example, a bike lane on Knott Street?

The City has already approved a bikeway to run down 26th street down to Broadway and the ICA contributed funds towards program (Bike rack and bike fix it station).

Discussion of traffic issues on 7th.

The traffic islands are not helping the cyclists or pedestrians. A recent traffic study undertaken for the new apartment development showed that 2600 vehicles travelling in both directions and that number would need to reduce before the street could become a greenway.

A number of recommendations were made to reduce speed and number of traffic movements including a crosswalk with lights, speed bumps, stop signs, dedicated bike lanes, traffic diverter and removal of traffic circles.

It was proposed by Peter and seconded by Sally that Steve to send letter of recommending 7th as a greenway to the City.

Capital improvements

  • Fountain – the group is still working on this.
  • Bike fix- it station.

Additional capital project to be considered as other projects have been delayed.

  • Klickitat Mall restoration to make the pedestrian walkway more user friendly.

To move forward we would need to create a design and present to the City, once we had City approval we would be able to talk to the residents. Residents would still be able to use the area to use as their driveway, but there are a lot of encroachments along the Mall and the project may result in a number of resident complaints and possible legal action.

The ICA has approached PSU again to see if they can use the Mall as a student landscape project.

A sub-committee of Barb, Steve and Susan was formed to start work on the RFP so can be approved at the next ICA meeting.

  • Proposed trail around Irving park, but likely to be an expensive project.

Holiday Party committee

The Holiday Party was discussed and a sub-committee of Steve, Tiffanie, Jim, Pam & William will work together to arrange.

Susan will ask the Irvington Club if December 10th (3rd alternate) was available.

Steve will call New Seasons and request the turkey again for this year.

It was agreed by all that the music was excellent and we would like to request them again. Steve agreed to arrange.

Grant High renovations

Nathan White is a member of the Grant High renovation committee.

SHPO have presented to the committee in regards to historic preservation.

Public Meetings will be ongoing and all are welcome.

ICA to request Kristen Minor to talk to the committee and discuss the renovation plans.

Suggested that ICA contact “Oregon arts watch” blogger Bob Hicks to make him aware of the plans at Grant High.

Design is planning to downsize auditorium and shrink the stage. They are still considering whether to tear down and rebuild or to restore the building.

Steve would like us to write a letter to support keeping the auditorium. Perter motioned for Steve to write the letter and it was seconded by Jim.


  • “Green Bag Project”, every other month you get a green bag and you fill it up and then the volunteers come around and collect. Distributed to food backs.
  • Do we post ICA meetings on nextdoor.com? Yes we have for this meeting.
  • What is happening at 24th-? Replacing the ramps to the sidewalks.

Next meeting:  Thursday 12th November, 7pm. Irvington School Library.

Download Unofficial Minutes Here