Agenda for November 12th
7:00 pm: Introductions & Approval of October minutes and November agenda
7:03: Police report.
7:10 Land Use ()
- Suh house (13th street) demolition
- Mixed use comments
- Comp. Plan comments
- Fiber optic boxes on utility poles.
- Leaf pickup update: call 503-823-1700 if, after the second pickup, there is still a major leaf issue on the street.
7:20: BWA update: Request for funds to pay for BWA website.
7:25: Grant High renovation discussion (Grant High music and choir directors)
- School reboundary discussion
7:40: Holiday party update (Jim Barta)
7:45: Historic preservation committee (Barb)
- Mass mailings to residents
8:00: Capital improvements discussion
8:10: Newsletter
8:15: New business
8:20: Adjourned