Agenda for October 8th

7:00 pm:  Introductions & Approval of September minutes and October Agenda

7:03:  Land Use (steve)

  • Comp. Plan comments still being taken.
  • Marcus apartments update. Nathan and Jim Heuer don’t think there has been much change and doubt that the city will approve. 
  • The draft Zoning map for the MU Zones project was scheduled to be released Monday, September 28, and will be available on the MapApp.
  • We continue to monitor the zoning code changes recommended by the City for additional dwelling units or ADUs.
  • Another City project on our radar is the Residential Infill Project. The project will focus on three primary topics: sale of houses, narrow lot development, and alternative housing options.

7:10:   BWA update: BWA update: PSU/Better blocks proposal accepted. Additional data will be collected by students. We will try and come up with a plan. Brad Perkins admitted as representative of NNEBA. Differing views as to what will make corridor more dynamic

7:15:   Update of Dean and my conversation with Japanese professors. 

7:20:  Parking permit programs discussion

  • Recommendations for Don Woods to make to advisory committee
  • Mini-permit program for southern blocks
  • Some pushback by Nextdoor members. I have received additional complaints about parking situation. 
  • Do we want to reiterate our support?

7:40:  Bike infrastructure discussion

  • Irvington’s proximity to downtown and Lloyd District make bikeways important. We already have one of the highest mode usages. 
  • Do we want to take an official position on bike expansion on Broadway? i.e. protected lanes vs. widened lanes?
  • Do we want to advocate for any other bike improvements in our neighborhood?
                N/S bikeways?
  • Discussion of pedestrian/bike issues on 7th street.

8:05:  Capital improvements discussion - We need to get something going in regard to a capital improvement project. We have a couple of things in the pipeline: fountain; bike amenities on Broadway at 26th. We need to start something else. 

8:10    Holiday party discussion - committee formation, food, entertainment

8:20:  Grant High renovation - Auditorium scheduled for basically a demolition: cut number of seats in half and shrink the stage. Do we want to send a letter?

8:30:   New business

8:35:  Adjourned

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