Agenda June 8th, 2017
Irvington Community Association Meeting
June 8, 2017
7:00: Introductions
7:05: Approval of May minutes and June agenda
7:07: Report from North Precinct (Commander Robert King and/or representatives of the North Precinct). Updated neighborhood crime tracker
7:25: Ratification of donation to Irvington Famer’s Market (Wendy Jo)
7:30: Land Use (Dean)
- HB 2007
- Other land use matters
- Letter reaffirming our opposition to spending transportation money to widen I-5 through the Rose Quarter
7:50: Summer party (Bob)
- Update and recommendation
- Discussion as to whether we want to have an ice cream social or Barbeque or something else on National Night Out
8:00: Charitable Giving allocations (Susan) - Approval of committee suggestions
8:10: Committee and treasurer co-chair discussion/appointments
- Creation of charitable giving committee for the upcoming year (will be working on rule revisions).
8:15: Home tour update (Pam)
- Quick overview of cleanup (Jason)
- Other committee updates.
8:20: Elections (Peter)
8:40: Other new business / summer committee meeting plans
8:50: Adjourned
Other notes (not requiring board approval as these issues have already been approved by the board):
We will be working on bylaws this summer. So far we have had some difficulty getting schedules to match up. We are going to need to set a date and if some people cannot attend, they can attend the next meeting (there will be multiple meetings). I believe the consensus is that this issue will be best addressed in a group table setting over some beers.
We will be working on revising our charitable giving committee rules. The hope is that we have a finished document by September’s ICA meeting.
We will be meeting to go over the budget for the upcoming year. There may also be discussion of bylaws and charitable giving rules as these issues intersect.
Finally, if you have any stories for the newsletter, please get them to me (or to any new volunteer newsletter editor). The September newsletter is notoriously difficult to get content for. This year we should actually have quite a bit to put in there with HB 2007; the transportation bill; and the streetcar article I held back from the last newsletter. Also, I have been deficient in getting an upcoming community calendar in the newsletter. If you mail me stuff, I will endeavor to get it into the newsletter.
Thank You!
Have a good summer (although I anticipate seeing many of you soon at summer committee meetings.