Minutes for May 11th 2017

Irvington Community Association Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2017
Prepared by:
Joseph Albert

Board Members Present: Steve Cole, Joseph Albert, Peter O'Neil, Bob Dobrich, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Howard Bales, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Aaron Stuckey, Nathan Corser, Jon Eaton, Sean Green, Jeff Jones, Jason Messer, Josh Plager,

Committee Members not on Board: Jim Heuer, Laurie Knightly

Neighbors and Guests: Bill Hansman, Brian Duval, Wendy Jo Downing

President Steve Cole calls meeting to order at 7:08pm


Minutes Approval

Motion and second to approve April 2017 minutes and May 2017 agenda, both approved unanimously.

Police Report

No police officer available for report. There was a discussion of possible increased property crime.

Land-Use Report

Jim Heuer reported on HB2007 that he described as having morphed into an onerous bill with various amendments. The bill now appears no longer to be about affordability. It is moving to the Ways and Means committee shortly which is where the process of a Senate and House bill are reconciled. Restore Oregon may ask for funds for a legal review. Dean had previously suggested $2000 for a legal review.

There was a motion for Steve and Jim Heuer to write a letter opposing HB2007 on behalf of ICA. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Irvington Farmers Market

Irvington Farmers Market would like for Irvington to sponsor one or more market activities. There was a discussion that ICA needs specific proposals of what would be paid for and the amount.

Summer Party

Planning a summer party, details to follow. Attendees agreed to participate if available and in town.

Home Tour

Will take place 5/21/2017. This is the main ICA fundraiser for ICA projects. Need volunteers.

Charitable Giving Committee

Motion to ratify committee seconded and passed.

Disaster Preparedness Committee

Report Parents for Preparedness is a coalition of parents in PPS.
May 23 6:30pm-8pm – Mercy Corps preparedness event at Irvington School.

Treasurer Report

Jeff Jones passed out a spreadsheet with a budget update and provided a brief explanation of the content.

Broadway Weidler Alliance Update

New president: Kyle Johnson. There has been some difficulty with scheduling meetings, and the group is addressing the issue.

NE 8th and Brazee Street Painting

The painting project has been canceled.

New Business

June meeting will include elections for board members and officers.

Huck Bales mentioned the consortium “Portland United Against Hate” and distributed a list of organizations that have signed on to support the effort. A motion for ICA to sign on to express its support was seconded and passed unanimously.

Meeting Closure

A motion to close the meeting was initiated, seconded, and approved unanimously. The meeting closed at 8:43pm.

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