Minutes November 9th 2017
November minutes.
In attendance: Joseph Albert; Steve Cole; Sarah Burns; Susan Hathaway-Marxer; Barb Christopher; Huck Bales; Tiffanie Shakespeare; Dean Gisvold; Alex Michel; Jeff Jones; Sean Green; Dob Dobrich; Christina Coers-Mitchell; Jon Eaton; Brian Schaeperkotter
The meeting commenced at approximately 7:00 pm.
Introductions were made.
Prior to approval of the minutes and agenda, Steve requested that certain language be changed regarding discussion surrounding the proposed charitable donation to education so as to remove any chance of a misunderstanding. Discussion commenced with a change eventually being agreed upon.
Joseph announced his intention to resign from the ICA board and asked for someone to take on the secretarial duties for the meeting. Alex volunteered to do so. Joseph left the meeting.
Brian Schaeperkoetter announced that the family of Daria Colner wished to create a fund under the umbrella of the ICA where money could be donated to help fund the pre-home tour party for home hosts. The family wants to be able to announce the fund at the memorial on January 13th.
A board member moved to create the fund. The motion was seconded. The motion passed.
Brian will gather additional information as well as the eventual name of the memorial fund.
Dean provided a summary of land use issues:
An AirBNB is operating on NE 9th. A neighbor, Barbara Nagle, has made numerous complaints to the city. Several fines have been issued to the owner by BDS.
Dean notes that RIP is coming and that comments were extended. Dean opined that RIP would not create affordable housing.
Steve presented the revised solar letter which reflected concerns raised at the last meeting. The letter requested that the city relax the regulations regarding solar panels allowing them to fall under tier one review. Some board members stated that they opposed front-facing solar panels. No board member moved to ask that Steve’s revised letter be approved.
Discussion commenced regarding the proposed donation by Brent and Betsy Huigen of money to be earmarked for education.
Bob and Steve related conversations that they had with Brent and Betsy since the last meeting clarifying their intent. The family hopes for the money to be made available to all schools which impact the Irvington neighborhood at each level.
Bob noted that we could accept the funds under our current charitable giving guidelines and utilize our current process to make grants.
Concern was raised regarding PPS rules for giving money. Steve noted that we already give money to school projects. Concern was raised that the amount may be too large. Steve noted that if the money were split up between multiple schools, the amounts would not be that large.
Susan argued that we needed to hire an attorney.
Bob moved to run a pilot for one year, accepting the money and earmarking it for education. The earmarked fund would be open for individual donors to make additional donations.
The motion passed 10 -4, with Dean, Barb, Susan and Christine voting “no.”
Susan requested that the minutes reflect her opinion that there had not been sufficient discussion.