Agenda November 9th, 2017
October 2017 Agenda
November 9th, 2017
Irvington Library
7:00 pm: Introductions
7:03: Approval of October minutes and November agenda
7:05: Creation of Daria Colner memorial fund for home tour to fund pre-tour party (Brian or Steve)
7:15: Land Use update (Dean)
7:25: Kinship house (Dennise)
7:35: Revised solar letter (Steve)
- Letter revised from no review request to tier one review request
7:45: Charitable giving update (Bob)
- Update on discussion with new donors with additional details addressing previously raised concerns.
7:55: Holiday party update (Bob/Sarah)
- Volunteer requests
- Party details including food plan and child activities
8:10: Committee updates
- Tree committee
- Renewed request for budget allocation with hardship application update (Jon)
- Safety (Christine)
- Disaster preparedness (Huck)
- Capital improvements (Nathan)
- BWA update (Steve)
8:20: New business
8:30: Adjourned