Minutes for January 14th - Unofficial

Steve Cole, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7.05pm

Board members present: Steve Cole, Peter O’Neil, , William Archer,  Dean Gisvold, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Jeff Jones,  Aaron Stuckey, Jim Barta, Michela McMahon & Meryl Logue.

Board members absent: Colin Burn, Bev Burn, Jon Eaton, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Ryan Carson  Barb Christopher, Sally Mcpherson, Nathan Corser, & Jason Messer.

Visitors: Josh Plager, Allison Walz (Portland Police Bureau), Tonja Reigle (Portland Police Bureau), David McMahon, Joseph Albert, Cynthia Chase, Catherine Arp, Steve Cornils, Estee Segal.

Minutes: The Board requested that Dean Gisvold and William Archer be removed as attendees to the November meeting. A motion to accept the November minutes was made by Peter O’Neil and seconded by Dean Gisvold, the minutes were accepted by the Board. 

Report from the Police: The Community Officers were asked about the Overlook homeless camp and homeless camps around Portland in general. The Police stated that they had not been given any clear guidelines from Mayor Hale in regards to the camps. There was a discussion on the condition of the sites (mess, encroaching on private property), but the Officers stated that there were no immediate issues.

The Board discussed letter drafted by Susan Hathaway-Marxer regarding Officer presence, overtime, etc. at homeless camps. Peter made a motion to forward the letter to the Commander of the North Precinct at PPB and the City Council, it was seconded by Jim Barta and approved by the Board. 

Land Use:  Dean Gisvold and Meryl Logue gave the report for the Land Use Committee.

  • Church lights at 21st & Tillamook (Meryl) There was a discussion of the lights at the Church at 21st & Tillamook. The lights are pre-existing, but were not lit for over 6 years. One of the lights was relit a year ago and the Church Pastor indicated that the City pays the electrical costs but the light are not on any timer or other cost mitigating efforts.

On December 31, 2015, a second was relit on the back lot. The light exceeds the city limitations of 1⁄2 ft-cd (5.4 lux) at the parking lot boundaries by a factor of 30, and is pointing at the apartment buildings (Hancock Gardens). The front light exceeds the specification by 40+.

The Board decided to ask Steve and William to approach Pastor Martin about possible mitigations. The Board had reservation as the Church lot is used for the annual neighborhood cleanup.

  • Comprehensive Plan Update (Dean) The meeting discussed the Comprehensive Plan proposals and how they will impact the Irvington neighborhood, the discussion included.

FAR4 being at odds with Historic guidelines. In addition, it can be “bonused up.” Dean is asking that it be reduced from 75 to 45 feet height on Broadway between 16th & 27th. This area as a CM2 is ok if no bonuses which could take it to a FAR 5.5.

Requests to reduce North of Schuyler to R1.

Points out the CN1 going to CM1 at Knott & 7th is a proposed change.

The post office is going from EX (employment) to CM3 (very dense).

The area of 15th and Brazee has been R5 for decades. Is going to CM1 (Just the 1 commercial lot).  Neighbors in proximity are concerned that this would allow the Hop House to close at 2 a.m compared to the current closing time of 11 p.m.

Barb made a resolution to submit Dean’s letter of recommendation on behalf of ICA, it was seconded by Aaron. Board approves, Jeff Jones abstained.

Barb made motion to present Jim Heuer’s letter on same subject as chair of PCHR, this was seconded by Susan. The Board approved.

Tiffany to load letters to the ICA website.

  • SUH House.  Suh house has been demolished. Nothing further has been heard from the developers.
  • Perkins House @ 7th & Schuler - A non-contributing house has been restored to contributing status. Not currently listed though.

More proposals in the works for adding non-contributing structures to the Historic District. Motion to take steps to get it listed as contributing with State Historic Preservation Office.

Peter proposed motion and Susan second. Board approved.  

7th Avenue Greenway - The meeting was attended by a number of neighbors from 7th and 8th Avenue. The residents have concerns that the in regards to the proposed new Greenway in regards to width of street, speed of cars, volume of traffic, inadequate parking, etc. There is consideration of (permanent) diverters to prevent through traffic on 7th. Residents of 8th fear it will push the traffic to their street. Steve Cole plans to meet with City to discuss further (probably in February). Estee Segal requests to be invited as an 8th Ave resident and representative. She has a letter that they are circulating and gathering signatures, and she wants to ensure it is shared with City when they consider this project.

Tree removals - Audubon Society requests ICA to sign on to their letter to support changes to a 30-day notice period for tree removals, and inch-for-inch mitigation.

Steve to add to next month’s agenda. It will go out to members in time to review for meeting.

Discussion on pruning of trees by local electrical crews.

Statute provides various clearances depending on the voltage of the line. Discussion that the crews do not know these statutes, and simply cut a 10-foot swath no matter the voltage or type of tree. Steve Cole asks that we ask the City to assist in getting the clearances conveyed and followed. Michaela moves, Susan seconds, Board approved.

Grant High School Discussion on the Grant High School redesign. The auditorium will remain relatively same to current state but seating will be reduced from 1700 to 1200 to make room for ADA requirements.

Discussion in regards to the letter in the student paper advocating the removing the WPA murals because they do not accurately display history. No motions arose from the Board

Broadway/ Weidler Association - Steve recommended we contribute to their fund to support their upcoming Charrette.Dean moves, Sally seconds, Board approved. .

Capital Improvement Project - Klickitat Mall: Klickitat between 11th and 14th –the area is overgrown and there are many encroachments. Suggestions include a cleanup. Barb volunteers to go to next Sabin meeting (she lives in the overlap) to talk about a joint solution.

Holiday Party - Dean moves to pay musicians (2) $100 each. Jim seconds. Board approves the new allocation. Discussion was had about the previous $500 allocated towards the party ($150 for the keg, $300 venue rental, tablecloths, etc.).

Newsletter - Discussion of newsletter articles including  Broadway/Weidler Association, Principals of local schools, neighborhood businesses spotlight, Home Tour meeting updates, Century House list etc. articles to Steve asap.

Next meeting:  February 11th 2016, 7pm. Irvington School Library.

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