Agenda for January 14th

7:00 pm:     Introductions & Approval of November minutes and January agenda

7:03:      Police report.

7:10:      Land Use (Dean/Meryl/Steve)

  • Church lights at 21st and Tillamook
  • Tree pruning
  • Comp. plan update
  • 7th Ave meeting with city
  • School redesign update

7:35:      BWA update - request for funding ($500) for carrette regarding Broadway improvement.

7:40:      Historic preservation committee (Barb)

7:45:      Homeless camps in Overlook neighborhood

7:50:      Capital improvements discussion - Klickitat mall (Susan)

8:00:      Letter regarding police (Susan)

8:05:      Parks update ??

8:15:      Newsletter

8:25:      Holiday party review and discussion of summer events

8:30:      Adjourned