The Evergreens of Irvington | A Walk
Here's the link to register. Spots are filling up quickly:
Here's the link to register. Spots are filling up quickly:
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at
Join the Irvington Tree Team, the city's Urban Forestry experts, and Friends of Trees for an informative talk about Portland tree options that will work in your planting site.
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at treeteam@irvingtonpdxcom.
Want to hug a tree with measuring tape and help protect our Irving Park canopy? Join your neighbors and Portland Parks & Recreation to map, measure, and identify every tree in Irving Park. No experience necessary!
We also need team leaders! Join us for a five-hour training on June 3 or June 10, followed by a field training session on June 17 or June 21.
See event details to register.
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at treeteam@irvingtonpdxcom.
Want to hug a tree with measuring tape and help protect our Irving Park canopy? Join your neighbors and Portland Parks & Recreation to map, measure, and identify every tree in Irving Park. No experience necessary!
We also need team leaders! Join us for a five-hour training on June 3 or June 10, followed by a field training session on June 17 or June 21.
See event details to register.
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at treeteam@irvingtonpdxcom.
We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at treeteam@irvingtonpdxcom.
Team Leader Training will take TWO days – one classroom day and one field day. See details to register.
Team Leader Training will take TWO days – one classroom day and one field day. See details to register.
Team Leader Training will take TWO days – one classroom day and one field day. See event details to register.
Team Leader Training will take TWO days – one classroom day and one field day. See details to register.
Talk and walk by Portland environmental historian Dave Hedberg. PLEASE REGISTER HERE:
Sponsored by Urban Forestry and the Irvington Tree Team
Join the Irvington Tree Team for our meeting on the third Wednesday of every month at 7 pm in the dining area of the Whole Foods at NE Fremont and 15th. We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at treeteam@irvingtonpdxcom.
Join the Irvington Tree Team for our meeting on the third Wednesday of every month at 7 pm in the dining area of the Whole Foods at NE Fremont and 15th. We need you! Please come if you're interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Contact us at treeteam@irvingtonpdxcom.
The newly formed Irvington Tree Team will hold its first meeting on Wed, March 15 at 7 pm in the dining area of the Whole Foods at Fremont and 15th. Please come if you are interested in taking action to improve and protect our tree canopy. Questions? Email Kyna Rubin: