Our committees work hard to make our neighborhood a great place to live! We are always looking for more volunteers and writers - anyone can join! Please reach out to a committee if you're interested in helping out. Joining the Irvington Community Association Board is not a requirement to join most committees.
Capital Improvements
The neighborhood improvement fund has been established to encourage the development of capital projects.
We meet as necessary. Contact us for more information or to join.
Community Connections
The Community Connections Committee is all about reaching out to our neighbors and creating a greater sense of community. We facilitate neighborhood events such as the Holiday Party (1st Thursday in December), assist with Movie Night in Irving Park and/or a summer event. The committee is also starting a program to reach out to Irvington residents to provide information on the Irvington Community Association and our various functions, committees and activities.
Join us if you are interested in connecting with our neighbors through social events and forging connections with each other. The residents are what make our neighborhood special.
We meet as necessary. Contact us for more information or to join.
To learn more about our committee, please contact: safety@irvingtonpdx.com or livability@irvingtonpdx.com
Here are some crime prevention advice and handouts from the city. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/oni/53530
The ICA newsletter comes out four times per year, usually September, December, March and May. It is delivered to about 4,000 homes. Additional copies are available at schools and merchants in the neighborhood. We are always looking for neighborhood writers and photographers who want to contribute.
To learn more about the newsletter, please email the editor at newslettereditor@irvingtonpdx.com.
If you are interested in advertising in the newsletter, please take a look at our rate sheet. For more information email the ads manager at newsletterads@irvingtonpdx.com.
Members of the Board make decisions that affect the neighborhood. The Irvington Community Association (ICA) is always looking for neighbors who want to sit on the Board and make recommendations regarding Committees. New board members are elected each year in June at the ICA annual meeting.
Join the Irvington Community Association if you want to create a positive impact in the neighborhood where you live or work.
The Board meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday (except July, August, and December) at the Irvington School Library 1320 NE Brazee.
Contact us if you wish to learn more about board nominations or to suggest someone for the board, including yourself.
Home Tour
Each year, on the third Sunday of May, the Irvington Community Association (ICA) holds its annual Irvington Home Tour to raise funds for the ICA and for Charitable Giving to benefit neighborhood schools and non-profits. This is the longest continuously running neighborhood home tour in Portland. The very first Irvington Home Tour, in 1967, was the first such tour in the city. Each year nearly two hundred volunteers make the home tour possible.
We meet several times between January and June to prepare for this annual event.
To learn more about the annual Irvington Home Tour, please email committee@irvingtonhometour.com.
To volunteer during the annual Home Tour: volunteer@irvingtonhometour.com
The Parks Committee works with the Portland Parks and Recreation bureau to bring activities and facility improvements to Irving Park (NE 7th & Fremont). Annual Summer activities include Movies in the Park, and a picnic for National Night Out (first Tuesday night in August).
Join us if you want to see improvements in the park or get involved with park activities. We meet as necessary. Contact us for more information or to join.
Tree Team
The Irvington Tree Team brings neighbors together to protect and expand our tree canopy for the health and livability of our community.
Join us if you love trees and the health, economic, and environmental benefits they bring. Help us make neighbors aware of the importance of planting, caring for, and preserving trees.
We meet every few months at various venues. Contact us if you wish to attend the next meeting.