Minutes May 10 2018
Irvington Community Association Meeting
May 10, 2018
7:00 pm; Irvington School library
7:02 Introductions
Agenda approved
Star voting initiative mentioned for review later.
In attendance:
Liz Tyler, Jim Barta, Mal Lyndall, Alex Michelle, Peter O’Neil, Nathan Corser, Stephen Cole, Christina Cores Mitchel, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Nikki Johnston, Cassandra Kelly, Brad Perkins, Tiffanie, John Eaton, Sean Green, Doug Cooke, Brad Perkins. From PBOT: Roger Geller, Liz Rickles, Sheila Parrot
7:03: Approval of April minutes and May agenda
Minutes approved
7:05: PBOT: Neighborhood Greenway Projects
Proposed enhancements for neighborhood greenway discussion to enhance neighborhood and increase traffic.
Flint and Vancouver, 20th and Tillamook, etc.
Looking for feedback
Would like to hold community meeting open house
Letters will go out to neighbors regarding proposed changes
Visual noise with the new bike crossings is not in keeping with historic district
Answer: Green is mandated by state, borrowed from the Dutch.
21st and Tillamook draws a lot of discussion
Speedbumps divert car headlights up, making it harder on other people’s eyes at night.
Speedbumps are generally objected to as a heavy-handed approach and light-diverting issues.
Tillamook “bike highway” makes it much less safe for residents and kids playing.
Various opinions for and against various solutions to the “safety problem”.
SE Portland bikeways is next Sunday
7:45: Revision to backing the 1% surcharge on large businesses.
Discussion about rescinding our endorsement until more is learned
Nathan Corser moves to rescind
In favor: All:
Passes in full
7:48: Land Use Committee
RIP (Residential Improvement Project)
9th Ave Airbnb has much opposition
SGNA (neighborhood association) parking program – they did not qualify
15th and Siskiyou: Owner is building a large wall. Large concrete walls are not subject to design review. There has been concern with it killing the large Sequoia. Owner has been responsive to guidance and reviews.
7:55: SGNA pilot permit parking proposal
Motion from Dean to send a letter about joining with SGNA; seconded.
Passes in full
8:05: Charitable giving revisions
Motion: Peter O’Neil
Second: Nathan Corser
Passed: all
8:08: Home Tour (Brian Schaeperkoetter)
Challenging year:
Many committee retirees
Getting homes has been difficult
Down seven volunteers - Need more volunteers
Suggestion to review charitable giving in light of the degree to which organizations volunteers
8:14 Election Process Update (Peter O’Neil)
Current status: 17 board of director and 5 officers, elected in June
Problem: People who are not voted go unutilized
Proposal: Elect all 22 board members, then elect 5 officers subsequently from the board members
Motion to act to waive the bylaws for June to impellent the suggested election process. (Peter O’Neil)
Second (xxxxxxx)
In favor: All except…
Object: Christine Coers-Mitchel
8:27: Irvington Cleanup (Jason)
Volunteer if you can - this Saturday (5.12)
8:32 Treasurer Review (Jeff)
Klickitat Mall was “big ticket” item
Charitable giving: $20,000 + $24,000 more for education
Home Tour: $1500 was given to “Something Special Memorial Fund” for help support home tour dinner.
Holiday party was $2500.
Capital improvements (to be addressed by Nathan Corser)
July 21st Irvington movie (July 21st), Warmup band: Grey Dogs
8:38 Capital improvements
Capital expenditures are supposed to be for fixing things (like Klickitat Mall).
Application was submitted by Huck bales to help offset cost on shed at Irvington.
Voting on $2700 in funds for the shed funds approval will be in June.
More engagement with Irvington Tennis Club is desired by some.
8:47 Making intersection of Thompson and Brazee safer.
Neighbor requested support for 4-way stop signs
It’s the western-most exit for kids at Irvington School
12th gets a lot of traffic of all types and with speed there are many accidents.
Nathan suggests PBOT is responsive and could be contacted about the matter.
Steve noted that PBOT considered 4-way stops at non-busy intersections to be dangerous.
Suggestion made to consider painting intersection if all 4 corner neighbors agree
8:56: Need nominations for board members (Peter O’Neil)
8:58 New business
No new business
8:59: Adjourned