Minutes for February 9th 2017
Irvington Community Association
Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2017
Prepared by: Joseph Albert
Board Members Present:
Steve Cole, Joseph Albert, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Jason Messer, Sean Green, Nathan Corser, Josh Plager, Dean Gisvold, Jon Eaton, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Barb Christopher, Sally McPherson, Peter O'Neil, Bob Dobrich, Jeff Jones,
Neighbors and Guests:
Laura van Fleet, Kyna Rubin, Wendy Jo Downing, Jolene Allen
President Steve Cole calls meeting to order at 7:05pm
Minutes Approval
Motion and second to approve November 2016 minutes and February 2017 agenda, both approved unanimously. Note that there were no meetings in December (holiday party instead) and January (weather cancellation).
Police Report
No police officer available for report
Tree Committee Proposal
After seeing the city tree survey, Kyna Rubin would like to organize an ICA Tree Committee for the preservation of neighborhood trees. Laura van fleet would like to work with her on this issue. She net with Mark Bello, the chair of the Urban Forestry Commission, and found that Sabin and Albina (sic.) have done this. (Presumably by Albina she meant Boise and Eliot). The committee would use tree inventory data to develop a tree plan, and also could administer a process of ICA providing funds for tree maintenance for people without the means to do so in an effort to preserve neighborhood trees.
There was a motion to create a tree committee that was seconded and passed. During the meeting, the following individuals volunteered for the tree committee: Kyna Rubin, Laura van Fleet, Barb Christopher, Jason Messer, Jeff Jones, Sean Green, Nathan Corser, and Jon Eaton.
Land-Use Report
An appeal to landmarks commission was made concerning the proposed setback of 18.5 feet at 2011 NE Siskiyous, with Jim Heuer as the representative. The neighborhood standard is 25 feet. The commission ruled that an additional 2-3 feet were required. The applicant proposed a setback of 21.5 feet which was accepted by the commission and approved by the land-use committee.
The owner of the duplex at NE 13th and Tillamook proposes a 3-story 2800 square foot apartment building to be added to their property on a 50x100 lot. The applicant has asked for a design review which has been moved to March 20 in the afternoon. Neighbors of the property and the land-use committee have a very unfavorable view of the project.
Tillamook Greenway
The city plans to upgrade the NE Tillamook greenway. No information to report at the time of the meeting.
Business District News
Steve Cole reported the following news.
The Broadway-Weidler Alliance (BWA) ratified a small change to by laws-- moving forward, the organization will have voting board members, and all neighbors will be members. The NE Broadway Business Association was not present at the meeting and had indicated they would pull out of the BWA previously.
The BWA does not yet have data from the test of more pedestrian-friendly configurations of the vehicle and pedestrian rights-of-way on NE Broadway.
Klickitat Mall Status
Nathan Corser reported that the sidewalk repairs have been completed with a slight creep in the budget. Five elm trees have been pruned to improve safety of pedestrians and health of the trees. The south neighbor of the NE 14th and Klickitat cleanup is unhappy with the result.
Holiday/Outreach Social Committee
Bob Dobrich reported that the holiday party was very successful with over 100 participants, to which all ICA board members were in strong agreement. Attempts to get attendees to sign an ICA sign-up sheet had mixed success, but some signers were obtained. Would like to have a summer social event.
Portland Public Schools Bond Participation
An employee of PPS presented information about an upcoming $115M bond initiative for health and safety upgrades to schools to address neglect necessitated by past budget cuts. This was passed in 2012 for Franklin, Marshall, and Grant high schools. Some concern was expressed about the current school board allocating the funds intelligently given the school board's alleged current dysfunction.
Disaster Preparedness Committee Report
Nathan Corser reported that the BEECN storage space to be integrated with Irvington School's proposed bike rack shelter may not happen. The original plan is not workable.
Neighborhood Cleanup
Jason Messer would like to partner with Sullivan's Gulch for the annual neighborhood cleanup effort that is scheduled for May 13. Steve Cole noted that the Sullivan's Gulch Neighborhood Association has new leadership.
Sign Update
Century House signs are again available.
New Business
Steve Cole described that there are 7 coalitions of neighborhoods. Each neighborhood association belongs to a coalition. Steve suggested that ICA might investigate the ICA's options, including what our connections are, and where our interests lie in regard to the coalitions. Steve noted that Grant High School is now within the boundary of CNN, and the Broadway-Weidler corridor is largely outside of NECN's boundaries.
Meeting Closure
A motion to close the meeting was initiated, seconded, and approved unanimously. The meeting closed at 8:50pm.