Minutes for June 9th

Irvington Community Association
Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2016

Board Members present:
Steve Cole, Peter O’Neil, William Archer, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Christine Coers Mitchell, Jason Messer, Jeff Jones, Nathan Corser, Jon Eaton, Michela McMahon, Dean Gisvold, Jim Barta

Neighbors and Guests:
Josh Plager, David Kabat, Bob Dobrich, Britt Allen, Wendy Jo Downing, Huck Bales, Anthony Roziz, Joan Reid, Chester Anderson, Cynthia Chase, Peter FitzGerald, Jessica Bond, Ryan Hashagen, Officer Tom Marshall (PPB), Antoine Dean

President Steve Cole opens meeting at 7:04 PM.
May meeting minutes approved with corrections.
Agenda approved.

Police Report.  
District Officer Tom Marshall gives his phone number to report issues to him (503) 793 4806.  He says he usually will respond within 24 hours.  He asks for comments and concerns from neighbors at the meeting.

  • Jon Eaton asks about the significance of symbols painted on sidewalks.  Officer Marshall says he’ll look into it.
  • Bob Dobrich asks how to address issue of homeless near 17th & Schuyler using yards as bathrooms.
  • Jeff Jones asks about abandoned cars.  He’s told the parking patrol folks and asked to have cars towed, but so far no response.  Officer Marshall says there just aren’t enough resources to go around and that the squeaky wheel gets the grease so keep on reporting.  He adds that some stolen vehicles have been dumped north of Broadway.
  • Michela McMahon asks that something be done about fireworks at Irvington School.  She suggests that police and firefighters in police cars drive around to ticket and confiscate illegal fireworks.

Possible Irvington School Changes
Jennifer Fortmann reports that Irvington School supports K- 8 configuration for the school. With electives and a supportive staff. 

She says neighbors from King and Ockley Green want Ockley Green or Tubman as a middle school which Irvington would feed.  However, she says that if 150 students are taken away from Irvington, the school would be under enrolled and lose support staff.  PPS wants 450 students at Tubman to start.  They need a large student population because many students mean many dollars.  Tubman gets a natural increase in student population but Irvington gets none.

PPS needs to balance enrollment and provide better electives such as band and arts subjects.

  • Jon Eaton moves and Jason Messer seconds that the ICA draft a letter to the PPS Board that while the ICA acknowledges and understands the School Boards concerns, the ICA wants the Board to be absolutely sure that Irvington Elementary will continue to thrive as a neighborhood school.  The School Board should complete a detailed and well considered plan to ensure Irvington’s continued success.
    Passes Unanimously

Land Use Report
Dean Gisvold reports that there is a new architect working on the Suh property proposal.  The architect wants to meet with the Land Use Committee to discuss what may be built on the property.

Comp Plan is near completion.  One item in the Central City Plan of particular concern to people in Historic Districts is the concept of “middle housing”.  It is a proposal to increase density in R-5 Zones, but has little or no protection for or consideration of historic context.

The Landmarks Commission is considering the reclassification of two homes in the Irvington Historic District.  One had been classified as Contributing, but it had been significantly remodeled between the time the Historic District building census and application were completed and the District was added to the Historic Register.  The house has been altered enough to render it Non-Contributing.  The other is the Moser house on NE Schuyler.  It is a Joseph Jacobberger designed house.  It is argued that it was misclassified and Non-Contributing when it should have been Contributing.  The Landmarks Commission makes decisions in these cases and will probably decide in September.

Charitable Giving
Susan Hathaway-Marxer reports that the Charitable Giving Committee recommends donating $20,000 to local charities.  A complete list of those donees can be found at IrvingtonPDX.com

  • Dean Gisvold moves and Nathan Corser seconds that the ICA donate $20,000 to the charities identified by the Committee.
    Passes Unanimously

Disaster Preparedness
Huck Bales reports that a “Beacon Cache” may be deployed at Irving Park.  A Beacon Cache is a set of supplies and communication equipment prepared by the City to be used in a disaster.  The Preparedness Committee thinks the Cache should be more centrally located.

More Beacon volunteers are needed.

Working on some kind of Preparedness event in the fall.

The Committee wants to get stories into the newsletter.

The Committee wants to connect with NE Broadway Business Association (NEBBA).

Michela McMahon reports that herbicide has been sprayed in Irving Park.

Historic Preservation
Laurelhurst and Eastmoreland are developing plans to become Historic Districts.  One of many advantages is that Contributing homes cannot be demolished to make way for larger buildings without City Council approval.

National Night Out
Jason Messer moves and Dean Gisvold seconds that the ICA is allowed to spend $500 on an Irving Park picnic on National Night Out, August 2, 2016.

Better Broadway
Better Block and NE Broadway/Weidler Alliance are awaiting the compilation of data collected during the Better Broadway street adjustment test.

Peter O’Neil oversees elections to the Irvington Community Association Board.

Officers Elected Unanimously:

  • President:  Steven Cole
  • Vice President:  Christine Coers Mitchell
  • Secretary:  Joseph Albert
  • Treasurer:  Jeff Jones
  • Communications and Websites:  Tiffanie Shakespeare

The following Board positions are open for election to two year terms.  Elected unanimously to these positions are:

8.  Peter O’Neil
9.  Nathan Clark Corser
10.  Barb Christopher
11.  Dean Gisvold
12.  Jon Eaton
13.  Michela McMahon
14.  Jason Messer
15.  Josh Plager
16. Pam Lindholm Levy
17.  Ryan Carson

The following vacant Board positions are for unfilled one year terms.  Elected unanimously to one year terms for vacant Board positions are:

1. Huck Bales
2. Bob Dobrich
5. Sean Green

The Board elections are complete.

William Archer
Finally, the ICA Board and the entire neighborhood are saddened that long time Board member, former ICA President, and Irvington and Community activist William Archer is leaving Portland for a new adventure in his former home of Massachusetts.  William along with his husband Arthur De Bow have contributed countless hours, enthusiasm and expertise to the betterment of all our Irvington neighbors and Portland itself.  They will be sorely missed.

Meeting Adjourned

Prepared by Peter O’Neil

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