Minutes for November 10th
Irvington Community Association
Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2016
Prepared by: Joseph Albert
Board Members Present:
Steve Cole, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Joseph Albert, Howard (Huck) Bales, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Jason Messer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Sean Green, Nathan Corser, Josh Plager, Dean Gisvold, Jim Barta, Michela McMahon, Jon Eaton, Susan Hathaway-Marxer
Neighbors and Guests:
President Steve Cole calls meeting to order at 7:05pm
Minutes Approval
Motion and second to approve October 2016 minutes and November 2016 agenda, both approved unanimously.
Police Report
No police officer available for report
Land Use Report
Residential Infill Project (RIP) intends to convert all residential lots zoned R5 to designations allowing more density. Testimony advocating for one's position on this issue may be submitted by email through 11/16/2016.
Nearby Neighborhood and Business District News
Steve Cole reported the following news.
ODOT plans to install lids over I-5 near NE Broadway and NE Weidler overpasses to create more buildable space. Broadway and Weidler may each be closed to traffic for some periods during construction. It appears that the earliest it will be funded is in year 2022.
Broadway Business Association (BBA) is withdrawing from the Broadway-Weidler Alliance (BWA) because BBA members don't feel like the BWA is representing their business interests.
The Grant Park Neighborhood Association has left the NE Portland Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN) and joined the North Portland Coalition of Neighborhoods (NCN). The Sullivans Gulch Neighborhood Association has new leadership. The hike and bike trail conceived to run from the Eastbank Esplanade to Gateway has been renamed the Sullivan's Gulch Trail. It is conceived to be a section of a trail from running the Rose Quarter to the Gorge.
Klickitat Mall Status
Nathan presented a drawing of the fences and vegetation in the Klickatat Mall showing fences beyond property lines, laurel plants in the right of way, extending over the walkway, two trees in need of pruning, section of pavement to be removed and replaced, and a signpost that should be removed or replaced. ICA will fund a work party to do needed work, which will include pruning of laurels to 10' maximum height and 12' clearance between each side, selective pruning of two elm trees, and removal of some smaller bushes.
There was discussion about a more invasive approach of just removing all offending plantings and fences, but it was felt that the more nuanced approach described above was a prudent first step to foster goodwill with the affected neighbors and others.
Disaster Preparedness Committee Report
Sunday November 13 will be the first neighborhood outreach event. Current focus for BEECN storage is for a storage structure to be included as part of a new covered bike shed at Irvington School. Nathan Corser presented a (highly detailed) proposed design of the structure.
Holiday/Outreach Social Committee
Holiday party was scheduled for December 8 from 6-9pm at the Irvington Tennis Club. A sign-up sheet was completed during the meeting for board members to plan to bring side dishes.
Klickatat Mall Update
A work party was scheduled with Ray Askew and ICA volunteers to clear vegetation the weekend of November 12. Jason Messer will provide professional support for pruning the laurels and elm trees. Two bids for concrete flatwork have been obtained, with an approximate cost of $2400 to do the work.
Budget Update
Steve Cole presented the proposed budget for 2017. There was a motion to accept the budget, which was seconded and approved unanimously.
Sign Update
Signs are being created to advertise board meetings and the holiday party. Six signs were placed in the neighborhood to test.
New Business
Meeting Closure
A motion to close the meeting was initiated, seconded, and approved unanimously. The meeting closed at 8:10pm.