Minutes for September 8th

Irvington Community Association
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2016
Prepared by:
 Joseph Albert

Board Members Present:
Steve Cole, Christine Coers-Mitchell, Joseph Albert, Peter O'Neil, Sally McPherson, Dean Gisvold, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Barb Christopher, Jim Barta, Huck Bales, Brian Schaeperkoetter, Jon Eaton, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Josh Plager, Michela McMahon

Neighbors and Guests:
John Janolis, Liam Duffy, Chris Cook, Kay Mosby, Woody Mosby, Kirk Hampson, Dustin Carsey, Steven Unger

President Steve Cole calls meeting to order at 7:08pm


Minutes Approval

Dean Gisvold moved to accept June 2016 meeting minutes with corrections, seconded by Christine and approved unanimously.

Police Report

No police officer available for report

Fireworks in Neighborhood

Irvington resident Woody Mosby discussed the escalation of illegal fireworks discharged in the neighborhood.  He indicated that he spoke with Officer Marshall of the Portland Police Bureau and learned that there is not much the police can do to curtail the problem.  Woody asked if there was a way to organize a coordinated effort to address the problem.  Tiffanie added that her yard was set on fire by
fireworks while she was out of town.  Dean suggested publishing an ICA stance on the issue in the newsletter.  Woody agreed to bring a prepared resolution to the October meeting.

Threatening Leaflets

It was discussed that threatening leaflets were posted on neighborhood polls along NE Hancock and NE Broadway between NE 24th  and NE 32nd.  Reports have been filed with Portland Police.

Home Tour Report

Brian Schaeperkoetter presented a financial report from last year and noted a significant decrease in ticket sales and revenue.  Challenges included fewer people having signed up to participate, and reduced publicity and ticket sales.  There will be an October meeting to recruit homeowners at the Coleman-Scott home.  Dean suggested getting homes with ADUs to participate.

Land Use Report

Dean Gisvold spoke about the Portland Residential Infill Project (RIP).  The land use committee is opposed to middle housing, which focuses on affordable housing without defining their notion of affordable housing. The land use committee's position is that existing zoning is provides double the number of living units that are needed. Multnomah Village and Eastmoreland have opposed RIP.  Dean
also mentioned that some neighborhoods (but not Irvington) have lots that originally were developed as pairs of 25x100 lots with a single house, making it easy for developers to split the lots for infill projects.  Dean moves that the ICA board support the comments from the land use committee on RIP. This was seconded by Jim Barta, and passed unanimously.

Chris Cook and his two business partners, the three of whom are launching the Capitol Bar at NE 15th and NE Broadway were present at the meeting.  Residents Dustin Carsey and Steven Unger who run The Lion and the Rose B&B on NE 15th raised issues of noise, outside seating, and parking, noting current problems at Aztec Willies. Chris suggested that they wanted the bar to be family-oriented, and to be a good neighbor without live music.  It was decided to put any resolutions on hold to consider at a later meeting.

Irvington School Report

The school board is going to convert Irvington School back to a K-5 school that feeds a middle school at Tubman.  It is unlikely any pedestrian safety upgrades will be performed to help ensure the safety of school children walking or cycling to school.  It was presented that ICA should draft a position on safety upgrades for children.

Moser House

Dean Gisvold said that a decision was pending whether the Moser House would be assigned to the historic contributing inventory.  The owner, Mr. Perkins filed for historic review to add 5 more units to the property.  He has been turned down twice, and has engaged a new architect to try again. Designation as contributing status would prevent demolition, but would not address the issue of adding
5 units.

Disaster Preparedness Committee Report

Committee is preparing a newsletter article, and organizing an outreach effort for block preparedness.

Historic Preservation Committee

More century house yard signs are going out.  The historic walking tour was successful.  There was a presentation about the Irvington historic district at a Restore Oregon meeting.

Klickitat Mall Status

Nathan Corser was not able to attend the meeting, but sent out a written status report prior to the meeting.

By-Law Revision

ICA needs a committee to prepare by-law revisions.  Current planned members are Steven Cole, Dean Gisvold, and Susan Hathaway-Marxer.


Huck Bales proposed having an ICA Facebook page.  Jim Barta, Peter O'Neil, Sally McPherson, Huck Bales, and Steve Cole agreed to server as page administrators. Tiffanie moved to create an ICA Facebook page.  It was second, and passed with abstentions by Dean and Susan.

Joseph proposed having email aliases for the ICA officers and board.  Tiffanie agreed to create them in the ICA domain.

Holiday/Outreach Social Committee

Peter moved to form an Outreach Social Committee.  Christine seconded it, and it passed unanimously. Bob Dobrich will chair the committee.

Better Broadway

No new activity to report.


We no longer have hard copy letterheads for mailings.  Nathan Corser designed a simple, new letterhead.  Susan brought an example of the official letterhead from the 1990's that was designed by Tinker Hatfield, and suggested trying to locate the original artwork and printing new copies.  It was also suggested that it was needed in digital format.  Plan to be finalized at next meeting.

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