Agenda for September 10th
7:00 pm: Introductions
7:05: Approval of minutes and Report from Police
7:10: Minimum Wage Increase advocacy (Kevin)
7:15: Land Use Report (Dean and Nathan)
- 2544 NE 24th Code Complaint and Historic Review
- Marcus Apartments update
- 2602 NE 13th update and report
- 1133 NE Hancock partition of current 90 by 60 lot and new construction of ADU
- 2125 NE Hancock new 8 unit apartment building with parking
7:40: Treasurer’s report (Jeff)
7:50: BWA update (Peter)
7:55: Newsletter (Steve)
8:00 Tree/shrub maintenance related to safety (Jason/Jack Kearney)
8:10: Historic Preservation report (Barb)
8:15: Home tour report (?)
8:20: Letter regarding speeding and increase in crime in neighborhood (Steve)
8:25: New Business
8:30: Adjourned