Agenda for February 12th
7:00pm: Introductions and Approval of January Minutes
7:03pm: Police Report
7:10pm: Website Update (Tiffanie and Barb)
7:15pm: NECN Update (Peter and Steve)
- SIdewalk Repairs (neighbors along 21st and 22nd, north of Knott)
- Letter to city asking for change in sidewalk repair policy
7:30pm: Letter in support of Grant Park dog park (Steve)
7:35pm: Broadway/Weidler Coalition update (Peter and Steve)
7:45pm: Land Use (Dean)
- Letter in support of bike improvements on Tillamook and Sullivan's Gulch Trail
- Update on Committee actions
- Proposed letter to developer at 7th and Thompson; update
8:00pm: Update on Benson Bubble (Nathan Corser)
8:10pm: Newsletter (Steve and Nathan Christensen)
8:15pm: Home Tour update (Pam and Brian)
8:20pm: New Business
8:30pm: Adjourned