Minutes for September 11th ICA Meeting
Officers in attendance: Steve Cole, William Archer, Jim Barta
Directors in attendance: Peter O’Neil, Tom Mertes, Emily Weltman, Jason Messer, Nathan Corser, Christine Coers-Mitchall, Jim Barta, Susan Hathaway-Marxer, Pam Lindholm-Levy, Barb Christopher, Michela McMahon, Tiffanie Shakespeare, Jeff Jones
Visitors: Sally McPherson, owner of Broadway Books, Susan Stringer, Montse Shepard, Catherine Zanger and other Eliot neighbors.
Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm.
Approval of Prior Minutes: June minutes approved.
Officer Election: Jim Barta elected Secretary by unanimous vote.
Police Report: Officer said reports are down in neighborhood. Body found in Sullivan’s Gulch neighborhood (overdose). There were questions on homeless problems in the neighborhood. Not able to force homeless to move. Question on what can be done about fireworks on school property? Suggested calling fire dept. before fireworks begin on July 4th. Complaint of night parties in Irving Park. Made request for officers to patrol park at night. Officer stated they do patrol parks during evening.
NECN Report: Steve Cole reported on his President role at NECN. Steve & Peter have been members of NECN for at least 4 years. Background information was provided about events at NECN over the summer. Improper emergency meetings were held. ONI & several NECN board members complained that an emergency general board meeting was not called despite all board members being encouraged to participate in the already scheduled executive committee meetings. NECN staff & ONI have made statements that Neighborhood Associations do not represent the NE residents well. Peter O’Neil reported that NECN Staff do not agree with Board decisions and stated that Board should direct Staff. Staff should not direct Board.
It was noted that the Mayor is in charge of ONI and has not responded to the letters directed to him. Nikki volunteered to visit ONI office and ask about their Charter. Question if ICA should withdraw from NECN? There appeared to be a North/South split between Neighborhood Associations at NECN. Susan Hathaway-Marxer suggested in-person visit to Mayor’s office regarding ONI staff behavior at NECN. Steve wanted input whether he and Peter should resign from NECN. Grant Park and Sullivans Gulch NA’s may want to leave NECN too. Many political problems at NECN being exacerbated by staff collusion with certain board members. ICA is not being well served by NECN and it appears that it will be a long-term problem based on ONI’s conduct. Susan made motion to withdraw our representation from NECN because they are not currently serving ICA’s needs. Seconded by Barb. Passed unanimously. Steve will write letter to Mayor’s office, signed by ICA officers.
Land Use:
Barb: Demolition update. Other neighborhoods are having big problems with demolitions. Jim Heuer and Barb attended a meeting regarding demolition issues and are monitoring the Portland Historic Landmarks Commission’s proposals. Barb wanted approval for definition (50% of structure). Also need code change of language that allows demolition. Peter moved to support definition. William seconded. Passed unanimously.
Barb: Century House Signs. Conversation about getting other signs (for cleanup and general meetings). Tom Moved to order additional signs. Barb seconded. Passed unanimously. Barb will order the other signs.
Steve: Discussion about the new 8 story building at NE 7th and Russell, just south of Knott, in the Eliot neighborhood. Neighbors don’t like the proposal, want changes. Nathan explained zoning allows this use. Catherine Zanger, one of the neighbors, spoke and requested ICA assistance in requesting design changes. Neighbors in attendance have requested lower height, increased setbacks, more parking. Steve asked for a motion from ICA regarding support for Eliot NA’s position. Nathan moved that Eliot share its requests with ICA to allow the Land Use Committee to draft a supporting letter. Seconded by Barb. Passed unanimously.
- At 2216 NE 21st ave. The developer (Vlad) is working with ICA Land Use Committee to receive ICA approval.
- Tanzamook Condos. Owners replaced siding with new siding prior to Historic District staff review. City issued permit in error. City now agrees that Historic District review is required. Owner attorney met with City about compliance. ICA believes they should stop work. Owner attorney does not want to stop work due to weather.
Comprehensive Plan: Dean Gisvold as requested (via email) that the review period be extended. Barb made a motion to request that the City extend the period for review. Jeff Jones seconded. Passed unanimously.
Stagnant Permits: Steve discussed the four-year old building permit at 3014 NE 23rd. Bureau of Development Services contends that all current work was allowed by permit issued in 2010, prior to the Historic District designation, despite the apparent larger scope of the work.
Proposed Development on NE 11th: Jim Heuer will attend the pre-app meeting.
Broadway Streetscape: Steve and Peter will attend meetings with the NE Broadway Business Assoc. (NEBBA) and other neighborhoods and Lloyd District entities. NEBBA is not happy about a proposed bicycle land expansion. City not discussing decoupling Broadway/Weidler.
Capital Improvements: Nathan discussed the committee’s meeting. What to do with funds: Improve Klickitat Mall, Improvements in Irving Park. Perimeter pathway in the Park may be an option. Website work. How can capital Improvement projects be a legacy for ICA founder? Nikki discussed Benson Bubbler proposal. She is still trying to coordinate with City Water Bureau. The Bureau says there is a moratorium on expansion of Benson Bubblers. Nikki wants to discuss this with Water Bureau management.
Website Invoice: $11,257 was the final invoice. It is over approved budgeted amount of $10,000. Brian Schaeperkoetter indicates this is a valid invoice. No record of why it is over budget. Motion to pay the invoice was made by Michela. Seconded by Bev. Passed unanimously. Jeff discussed website maintenance. He made motion to authorize additional ICA board members to the website committee. Steve seconded. Passed unanimously.
Newsletter: Emily, the editor, needs more articles for the Newsletter. She will delay publication by a week to allow more input.
Parks: Jeff Jones reported on the Lego movie shown at the Park in July. Big crowds. Good feedback. Jason said that the tree-climbing event would be in the Park on September 27.
Charitable Giving: Susan has nothing to report.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.